I have a superclass called A and a subclass called B that inherits from A. The superclass's constructor looks like this:
A(String name, char displayChar, int hitPoints, Behaviour behaviour)
this.name = name;
this.displayChar = displayChar;
this.hitPoints = hitPoints
A has attributes of name, displayChar, hitPoints, behaviour and has a method that calls addBehaviour which adds the behaviour to the object.
The subclass, B's constructor looks like this:
B(String name) {super(name, char 'b', 10, new WalkBehaviour()); }
Now my question is, does subclass B have an attribute of WalkBehaviour?
How would the UML diagram look like for this scenario? I know B inherits from A and A has Behaviour but does B has WalkBehaviour in this case? Since B doesn't have an instance variable of type WalkBehaviour in its class but only passes WalkBehaviour through its superclass's constructor.