I'm using CloudFront and Lambda@Edge to dynamically resize, store, and return images from an S3 bucket. I largely followed this tutorial on the AWS website: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/networking-and-content-delivery/resizing-images-with-amazon-cloudfront-lambdaedge-aws-cdn-blog/
In the viewer request I'm rewriting the URL if a size parameter is set to /optimized/size/format/image.jpg
Then in the origin response I'm checking to see if the origin returns a 404 and if it does then I get the original key, return the object from S3, resize the image and store the optimized image in S3. Then I return a 301 redirect once the upload process is done.
The image is being saved successfully in S3, but I've noticed even if the image exists in S3. I still get a 404 response from S3, despite the image existing already.
Thanks for the help in advance!