I am trying to retrieve posts from my organization page using Facebook Graph API. My app is in development mode and page admin is an admin for the App I should have access to the page posts.
I first do
https://graph.facebook.com/v3.2/[MY PAGE ID]?fields=posts.limit(10)&access_token=[MY App token]
This works and gives me last 10 posts from the page. Each post has an ID in form PageId_PostId from which I retrieve PostId. Then I do
https://graph.facebook.com/v3.2/[POST ID]?fields=images&access_token=[MY App token]
This works most of the time, but sometimes I get an error: "message":"(#12) singular published story API is deprecated for versions v2.4 and higher","type":"OAuthException"
What's the reason for this and how to avoid it? Thank you!!!