On deletion of a file, I am trying to rename all files by the increment number of a variable.
I have a list of files. Each are named in hexadecimal and incremented based on how many files in the folder; when a new file is created in that folder.
312d416e64207768657265206172652077652e2e20f09f8e88 ;# 1-filename - 1st file 332df09f8eb220556e64657220436f6e737472756374696f6e20f09f8eb2 ;# 2-filename 2nd file 332df09f8cb22043686e6167654c6f6720f09f8cb2 ;# 3-filename 3rd file
I am trying to remove the first four or the combination of: 3x2d from each of these files and then rename them with the correct sequence
My code is as follows:
set symbol [ixc::2Hex "-"] ;# 2d
set contents [glob -directory $dir *]
append sorted [lsort -dictionary $contents]
foreach item $sorted {
incr baseCount
set ze [file tail $item]
set hexCount [ixc::2Hex "$baseCount"] ;#convert ascii to hex
set hexZe "[string trim $ze "$hexCount$symbol"]" ;#trim the hexcount and delmiter from the file name
#set hexZe [regsub "$hexCount$symbol" $ze ""] ;#Alternative way of removing characters but buggy
puts "rename >> $item to $hexCount$symbol$hexZe"
puts "----"
# catch the error if the "cannot rename same file"
# this occurs when the file deletes
# then rename tries to rename the same file as the same file
if { [catch {file rename $item $dir/$hexCount$symbol$hexZe} error] } {
} else {
set fexist "$item"
#rename the file as the hexValue based off the counted ascii value
#include the symbol and file name
#if the file does not exist such as the deleted file then skip
if { $fexist eq 1} {
file rename $item $dir/$hexCount$symbol$hexZe
} else {
This works as exactly as it does and is exactly the result I want
However it proceeds to trim any number of "2"
This resulting in broken hex if you were to decode it back in to ascii.
Using regsub. It works but provides funky results.
set hexZe [regsub "$hexCount$symbol" $ze ""]
resulting in something like:
372d382df09f8cb22043686e6167654c6f6720f09f8cb2 ;# result: 7-8-filename
I assumes it's because I'm removing the string "3x2d" from the string each time of cycle of the loop.
tl;dr: want to remove "312d" from the file name, and then rename the file with the correct incremented number based on the count of the directory seperated by a "-"
答案 0 :(得分:0)
string trim
命令将其第二个参数视为要删除的字符的 set 集,并继续从字符串的两个末尾删除它们,直到没有离开了。要仅从字符串的左端删除,请使用string trimleft
# Save a copy of the string to remove in a variable for convenience
set pattern $hexCount$symbol
# How to do an exact prefix match
if {[string equal -length [string length $pattern] $pattern $ze]} {
set hexZe [string range $ze [string length $pattern] end]
} else {
# If it didn't match, fall back
set hexZe $ze
# NOTICE THE ANCHOR! Only want to do this *at the start of the string*
set hexZe [regsub "^$hexCount$symbol" $ze ""]
proc RemovePrefix {string prefix} {
set length [string length $prefix]
if {[string equal -length $length $prefix $string]} {
return [string range $string $length end]
return $prefix
set hexZe [RemovePrefix $ze $hexCount$symbol]