from datetime import timedelta as td
import pandas as pd
df['Trailing_12M'] = df['Date'] - td(365) #current date - 1 year as new column
def Unique_Count(row):
"""Creating a new df for each id and returning unique count to every row in original df"""
temp1 = np.array(df['ID'] == row['ID'])
temp2 = np.array(df['Date'] <= row['Date'])
temp3 = np.array(df['Date'] >= row['Trailing_12M'])
temp4 = np.array(temp1 & temp2 & temp3)
df_Unique_Code_Count = np.array(df[temp4].Code.nunique())
return df_Unique_Code_Count
df['Unique_Code_Count'] = df.apply(Unique_Count, axis=1)