
时间:2019-04-16 10:21:32

标签: vba memory excel-2010


    Sub Reset_LastCell()
    ' http://support.microsoft.com/default...&Product=xlw2K
       ' Save the lastcell and start there.
       Dim Sh As Worksheet
    Dim A As Integer

    For Each Sh In Worksheets
    A = A + 1
    If A >= 28 Then
       Set lastcell = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)
       ' Set the rowstep and column steps so that it can move toward
       ' cell A1.
       rowstep = -1
       colstep = -1
       ' Loop while it can still move.
       While (rowstep + colstep <> 0) And (lastcell.Address <> "$A$1")
          ' Test to see if the current column has any data in any
          ' cells.
          If Application _
                .CountA(Range(Cells(1, lastcell.Column), lastcell)) _
                > 0 Then colstep = 0  'If data then stop the stepping
             ' Test to see if the current row has any data in any cells.
             ' If data exists, stop row stepping.
             If Application _
                   .CountA(Range(Cells(lastcell.Row, 1), lastcell)) _
                   > 0 Then rowstep = 0
                ' Move the lastcell pointer to a new location.
                Set lastcell = lastcell.Offset(rowstep, colstep)
                ' Update the status bar with the new "actual" last cell
                ' location.
                Application.StatusBar = "Lastcell: " & lastcell.Address
       ' Clear and delete the "unused" columns.
       With Range(Cells(1, lastcell.Column + 1), "IV65536")
          Application.StatusBar = "Deleting column range: " & _
       End With
       ' Clear and delete the "unused" rows.
       With Rows(lastcell.Row + 1 & ":65536")
          Application.StatusBar = "Deleting Row Range: " & _
       End With
       ' Select cell A1.
       ' Reset the status bar to the Microsoft Excel default.
       Application.StatusBar = False
       If A >= 35 Then Exit Sub
     End If

    End Sub

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减小工作簿大小的一种非常简单的方法是将文件另存为.xlsb。所有代码和所有功能继续完全相同地工作。唯一的限制是该工作簿无法再由Libre Office和其他开源电子表格应用程序打开。


更新 您的代码在我的机器上可以正常工作,我唯一需要做的就是将Dim添加到代码中,因为我使用的是Option Explicit。将以下内容添加到顶部的代码中:

Dim lastcell As Range
Dim colstep As Long
Dim rowstep As Long