
时间:2019-04-15 23:25:25

标签: java kotlin kotlin-java-interop

自从Google使Kotlin成为Android的一流语言以来,关于如何以Kotlin的“ Java风格”的方式执行某些操作的问题有所增加。最常见的方法是如何在Kotlin中制作static变量。那么,如何制作Kotlin static变量和函数?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

您不能。嗯,至少在 Kotlin项目中。

科特林没有static的概念。 static在Kotlin-Java项目中的工作方式是通过在Kotlin类上使用批注来告知JVM,所需的变量/函数应作为static公开给Java类。

以下是Kotlin-Java static互操作的示例指南(答案最初发布在What is the equivalent of Java static methods in Kotlin?中):


方案1:在Kotlin for Java中创建静态方法



@file:JvmName("KotlinClass") //This provides a name for this file, so it's not defaulted as [KotlinClassKt] in Java
package com.frybits

class KotlinClass {
    companion object {

        //This annotation tells Java classes to treat this method as if it was a static to [KotlinClass]
        fun foo(): Int = 1

        //Without it, you would have to use [KotlinClass.Companion.bar()] to use this method.
        fun bar(): Int = 2


package com.frybits;

class JavaClass {

    void someFunction() {
        println(KotlinClass.foo()); //Prints "1"
        println(KotlinClass.Companion.bar()); //Prints "2". This is the only way to use [bar()] in Java.
        println(KotlinClass.Companion.foo()); //To show that [Companion] is still the holder of the function [foo()]

    //Because I'm way to lazy to keep typing [System.out], but I still want this to be compilable.
    void println(Object o) {




方案2:在Kotlin for Java中创建静态变量



@file:JvmName("KotlinClass") //This provides a name for this file, so it's not defaulted as [KotlinClassKt] in Java
package com.frybits

class KotlinClass {

    companion object {

        //This annotation tells Kotlin to not generate the getter/setter functions in Java. Instead, this variable should be accessed directly
        //Also, this is similar to [@JvmStatic], in which it tells Java to treat this as a static variable to [KotlinClass].
        var foo: Int = 1

        //If you want something akin to [final static], and the value is a primitive or a String, you can use the keyword [const] instead
        //No annotation is needed to make this a field of [KotlinClass]. If the declaration is a non-primitive/non-String, use @JvmField instead
        const val dog: Int = 1

        //This will be treated as a member of the [Companion] object only. It generates the getter/setters for it.
        var bar: Int = 2

        //We can still use [@JvmStatic] for 'var' variables, but it generates getter/setters as functions of KotlinClass
        //If we use 'val' instead, it only generates a getter function
        var cat: Int = 9


package com.frybits;

class JavaClass {

    void someFunction() {
        //Example using @JvmField
        println(KotlinClass.foo); //Prints "1"
        KotlinClass.foo = 3;

        //Example using 'const val'
        println(KotlinClass.dog); //Prints "1". Notice the lack of a getter function

        //Example of not using either @JvmField, @JvmStatic, or 'const val'
        println(KotlinClass.Companion.getBar()); //Prints "2"
        KotlinClass.Companion.setBar(3); //The setter for [bar]

        //Example of using @JvmStatic instead of @JvmField

    void println(Object o) {






//In this example, the file name is "KSample.kt". If this annotation wasn't provided, all functions and fields would have to accessed
//using the name [KSampleKt.foo()] to utilize them in Java. Make life easier for yourself, and name this something more simple

package com.frybits

//This can be called from Java as [KotlinUtils.TAG]. This is a final static variable
const val TAG = "You're it!"

//Since this is a top level variable and not part of a companion object, there's no need to annotate this as "static" to access in Java.
//However, this can only be utilized using getter/setter functions
var foo = 1

//This lets us use direct access now
var bar = 2

//Since this is calculated at runtime, it can't be a constant, but it is still a final static variable. Can't use "const" here.
val GENERATED_VAL:Long = "123".toLong()

//Again, no need for @JvmStatic, since this is not part of a companion object
fun doSomethingAwesome() {
    println("Everything is awesome!")


package com.frybits;

class JavaClass {

    void someFunction() {

        println(KotlinUtils.TAG); //Example of printing [TAG]

        //Example of not using @JvmField.
        println(KotlinUtils.getFoo()); //Prints "1"

        //Example using @JvmField
        println(KotlinUtils.bar); //Prints "2". Notice the lack of a getter function
        KotlinUtils.bar = 3;

        //Since this is a top level variable, no need for annotations to use this
        //But it looks awkward without the @JvmField

        //This is how accessing a top level function looks like

    void println(Object o) {

可以在Java中用作“静态”字段的另一个值得注意的提及是Kotlin object类。这些是零参数单例类,这些类在首次使用时会被延迟实例化。有关它们的更多信息,请参见:https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/object-declarations.html#object-declarations







//This provides a name for this file, so it's not defaulted as [KotlinClassKt] in Java
package com.frybits

object KotlinClass { //No need for the 'class' keyword here.

    //Direct access to this variable
    const val foo: Int = 1

    //Tells Java this can be accessed directly from [KotlinClass]
    var cat: Int = 9

    //Just a function that returns the class name
    fun getCustomClassName(): String = this::class.java.simpleName + "boo!"

    //Getter/Setter access to this variable, but isn't accessible directly from [KotlinClass]
    var bar: Int = 2

    fun someOtherFunction() = "What is 'INSTANCE'?"


package com.frybits;

class JavaClass {

    void someFunction() {
        println(KotlinClass.foo); //Direct read of [foo] in [KotlinClass] singleton

        println(KotlinClass.getCat()); //Getter of [cat]
        KotlinClass.setCat(0); //Setter of [cat]

        println(KotlinClass.getCustomClassName()); //Example of using a function of this 'object' class

        println(KotlinClass.INSTANCE.getBar()); //This is what the singleton would look like without using annotations

        println(KotlinClass.INSTANCE.someOtherFunction()); //Accessing a function in the object class without using annotations

    void println(Object o) {