
时间:2019-04-15 21:49:41

标签: c linux string non-ascii-characters multiprocess

我有一个多进程程序,该程序从命令行接收文件作为输入。创建共享内存,并分叉生产者/消费者样式的问题。它将切换所有其他字节,从而使abcdef badcef失效。但是,我还没有意识到这还必须允许非ASCII输入,而且我也不知道该怎么做。我相信wchar_t允许非ASCII输入。但是我的函数(例如fgets / strcpy)不适用于wchar_t数据类型呢?我找不到支持的功能替代品。


我尝试使用wchar_t代替char。我尝试使用fgetsws代替fgets,但是即使包含了编译器也无法将fgetsws识别为库函数。我正在ubuntu Linux 64位计算机上运行它。

#ifndef pa2_h
#define pa2_h

int shflag;
sigset_t new, old, nomask;
struct shbuff
     char data[1024];
     int size;                 
void flagfunc();
void block();
void sortstring(char input[]);
void waitchild();
void waitparent();
void parentsig(pid_t pid);
void childsig(pid_t pid);



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "pa2.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
     pthread_mutex_t mutex1 = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
     pid_t pid;
     int mem;
     FILE* fpinput;
     FILE* fpout;
     char buff[1024]; // Do I conver this to wchar_t data type?
     key_t shkey;
     void *ptr =0;
     struct shbuff* shmem;

     if(argc < 2)
          printf("Input a file name including .txt!");
     block(); //block sigusr1
     pid=fork(); // child gets pid 0, parent is positive int
     if(pid != 0) // parent process
      fpinput= fopen(argv[1], "r"); // read from file
          mem= shmget(shkey, sizeof(struct shbuff), IPC_CREAT | 0666); //size rounded up to nearest page size / 0666 required for server read/write
          ptr= shmat(mem, (void *)0, 0); // Attach the shared memory
          shmem= (struct shbuff *) ptr;
          shmem->size= 0;
          while (fgets(buff,1023,fpinput) != NULL) //read in from file to buffer leaving room for terminating character
// Do I use fgetsws to replace this fgets?
              sortstring(buff); //switch bytes in the buffer
              while (shmem->size != 0)
                   waitchild(); // wait for child to read from buff
              strcpy(shmem->data, buff); //replacement for strcpy?
              shmem->size= strlen(shmem->data); //set size to strlen of data
              childsig(pid); // signal to parent
          while (shmem->size != 0)
              waitchild(); // wait for child to read from buff
          shmem->size= -1; //end of file
          childsig(pid); //send signal
          fclose(fpinput); //close file
          shmdt(shmem); // detach from shared memory
     }   //end of else if (pid != 0)
     else //if pid is 0 then process the child
      fpout= fopen("output.txt", "w");
      mem= shmget(shkey, sizeof(struct shbuff), IPC_CREAT | 0666); //size rounded up to nearest page size / 0666 required for server read/write
      ptr= shmat(mem, (void *)0, 0); // attach to shared memory
          shmem= (struct shbuff*) ptr; //convert the sharedMemory into struct
          while (shmem->size != -1) // while not EOF
              while (shmem->size == 0)
                   waitparent(); //wait for the child to read from shared memory
              if (shmem->size != -1) //if not EOF
                   fputs(shmem->data,fpout); //copy the contents into the outFile
                   shmem->size = 0; //re-zero size after emptying data buffer
                   parentsig(getppid()); //parent signal
          fclose(fpout); // closes output file
          shmdt(shmem); // detach shared memory
          kill(getpid(),SIGTERM); // Kills this process politely with sigterm rather than sigkill, We are civilized
void flagfunc()
     shflag = 1;
void sortstring(char input[]){
    char temp;
    int i= 0;
    for(i=0; i<strlen(input); i+=2){
    temp= input[i];
    input[i]= input[i+1];
    input[i+1]= temp;
void block()
     sigemptyset(&nomask); //empty mask
     sigaddset(&new, SIGUSR1); //add sigusr1 signal to mask
     sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&new,&old); //block new/old signals
void waitchild()
     while (shflag==0)
          sigsuspend(&nomask); //wait on child signal
     shflag=0; //reset flag
void waitparent()
     while (shflag==0)
          sigsuspend(&nomask); //wait for parent
     shflag=0; //reset flag
void childsig(pid_t pid)
     kill(pid,SIGUSR1);  //sends parent signal
void parentsig(pid_t pid)
     kill(pid,SIGUSR1); //sends child signal

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