
时间:2019-04-15 18:58:20

标签: rx-swift reactivex



            .map{ [unowned self] (data) -> Users in
                var users = data
// other code for manipulating users goes here
// then below I am trying to use another loop to fetch their avatars

                if let cats = users.categories {
                    for cat in cats  {
                        if let profiles = cat.profiles {
                            for profile in profiles {
                                if let thumbnail = profile.thumbnail,
                                    let url = URL(string: thumbnail) {
                                    URLSession.shared.rx.response(request: URLRequest(url: url))
                                        .subscribe(onNext: { response in
                                            // Update Image
                                            if let img = UIImage(data: response.data) {
                                                try? Disk.save(img, to: .caches, as: url.lastPathComponent)
                                        }, onError: { (error) in

                                        }).disposed(by: self.disposeBag)

                return users
            .subscribe(onSuccess: { [weak self] (users) in

            }).disposed(by: disposeBag)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

This was a fun puzzle.

The "special sauce" that solves the problem is in this line:

.flatMap { 
    Observable.combineLatest($0.map { 
            URLSession.shared.rx.data(request: $0.1)

The map before the line creates an Observable<[(URL, URLRequest)]> and the line in question converts it to an Observable<[(URL, Event<Data>)]>.

The line does this by:

  1. Set up the network call to create an Observable<Data>
  2. Materialize it to create an Observable<Event<Data>> (this is done so an error in one download won't shutdown the entire stream.)
  3. Lift the URL back into an Observable which gives us an Observable<URL>
  4. Combine the observables from steps 2 & 3 to produce an Observable<(URL, Event<Data>)>.
  5. Map each array element to produce [Observable<(URL, Event<Data>)>]
  6. Combine the observables in that array to finally produce Observable<[(URL, Event<Data>)]>

Here is the code

// manipulatedUsers is for the code you commented out.
// users: Observable<Users>
let users = self.dataManager.getUsers()
    .map(manipulatedUsers) // manipulatedUsers(_ users: Users) -> Users
    .share(replay: 1)

// this chain is for handling the users object. You left it blank in your code so I did too.
    .subscribe(onNext: { users in

    .disposed(by: disposeBag)

// This navigates through the users structure and downloads the images.
// images: Observable<(URL, Event<Data>)>
let images = users.map { $0.categories ?? [] }
    .map { $0.flatMap { $0.profiles ?? [] } }
    .map { $0.compactMap { $0.thumbnail } }
    .map { $0.compactMap { URL(string: $0) } }
    .map { $0.map { ($0, URLRequest(url: $0)) } }
    .flatMap { 
        Observable.combineLatest($0.map { 
                URLSession.shared.rx.data(request: $0.1)
    .flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
    .share(replay: 1)

// this chain filters out the errors and saves the successful downloads.
    .filter { $0.1.element != nil }
    .map { ($0.0, $0.1.element!) }
    .map { ($0.0, UIImage(data: $0.1)!) }
    .bind(onNext: { url, image in
        try? Disk.save(image, to: .caches, as: url.lastPathComponent)
        return // need two lines here because this needs to return Void, not Void?
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)

// this chain handles the download errors if you want to.
    .filter { $0.1.error != nil }
    .bind(onNext: { url, error in
        print("failed to download \(url) because of \(error)")
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)