
时间:2019-04-14 07:50:33

标签: python python-3.x


def imported_modules(send_to_reqs = False,append_mod = True) :
    - send_to_reqs, boolean, optional, default true:
        - If true, function will return a dictionary keys = modules, values = version that has been imported
        - If false, function will write to requirements text, 
    - append_mod, boolean, optional, default False:
        - If True, function will append to requirements
        - If False, fucntion will overwrite requirements    
    import sys 
    # gets list of modules imported
    modules = list(set(sys.modules) & set(globals()))
    modules_dict = {}
    #iterates through the list of modules and appends a dictionary with the verison 
    for module_name in modules:
        module = sys.modules[module_name]
        modules_dict[module_name] =  getattr(module, '__version__','unknown')
    #writes to the reqs document 
    if send_to_reqs == True:
        if append_mod == True:
            # opens the requirements text as append only and appends the modules to it 
            f = open("Requirements.txt","a+")
            for key, value in modules_dict.items() :
                f.writelines(str(key + ":" + value + "\n" ))
            return "Requirements.txt has been updated with latest modules."
            # opens requirements an removes existing modules and attaches new ones.
            # opens as read only and saves the previous data. 
            f = open('Requirements.txt', 'r')
            data = f.read()
            import re, datetime
            # substitutes the last updated entry with currents date and time 
            data = re.sub("(Last updated:) (\d*-\d*-\d* \d*:\d*:\d*.\d*)","Last updated: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()), data)
            #searchs for the position of --END and gets location
            a = re.search(r'(.*?)(?=--END)',data)
            # uses location to get 
            updated_header = data[:int(a.end()+6)]
            for key ,value in modules_dict.items() :
                updated_header = updated_header  + key + ":" + value + "\n" 
            f = open('Requirements.txt', 'w')
            return "Requirements file has been replaced."
    else :
        return modules_dict


在我的Main.py中,我基本上只是导入一堆模块以测试该功能。然后,我尝试导入该函数,然后看看结果如何。 每次执行时,我都会得到一个空白列表,我希望从中获得一个列表(numpy,win32com,bs4,scipy,安装程序),因为我要做的第一件事就是导入这些模块。

import numpy, win32com , bs4, scipy, Setup
send_to_reqs = True
append_mod = True
a = Setup.imported_modules(send_to_reqs, append_mod)


import sys 
# gets list of modules imported
modules = list(set(sys.modules) & set(globals()))
modules_dict = {}
#iterates through the list of modules and appends a dictionary with the version 
for module_name in modules:
     module = sys.modules[module_name]
     modules_dict[module_name] =  getattr(module, '__version__','unknown')

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