
时间:2019-04-13 19:09:15

标签: r rstudio


我尝试了same(),all.equal() 如果我注释掉if(identical()),则计算变量Time_to_Destination

rm(list = ls())

#Plot the graph
graph_MC <- graph(edge = c(1,2,1,3,2,3,2,4,3,4), n = 4, directed = F)

#Initial position
X_0 <- c(1,2,3,1)

Destination <- c(3,1,2,3)

X <- X_0

Time_to_destination <- 0
#I would like to see how many time I arrive to the Destination, which have a valid set of color
for(i in 1:10000){
  #Generate a random node
  a <- as.integer(runif(1,1,4))
  #Generate a random color of the node
  q <- as.integer(runif(1,1,3))

  test_vector <- X

  test_vector[a] = q
  #Check if the new set of color is valid
  if (a == 1) {
    if ((q != test_vector[2]) & (q != test_vector[3])) {
      X = test_vector 
      if (identical(X, Destination)){
        Time_to_destination = Time_to_destination + 1

  if (a == 2) {
    if ((q != test_vector[1]) & (q != test_vector[3]) & (q != test_vector[4])) {
      X = test_vector
      if (identical(X, Destination)){
        Time_to_destination = Time_to_destination + 1

  if (a == 3) {
    if ((q != test_vector[1]) & (q != test_vector[2]) & (q != test_vector[4])) {
      X = test_vector 
      if (identical(X, Destination)){
        Time_to_destination = Time_to_destination + 1

  if (a == 4) {
    if ((q != test_vector[3]) & (q != test_vector[2])) {
      X = test_vector 
      if (identical(X, Destination)){
        Time_to_destination = Time_to_destination + 1

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