
时间:2019-04-12 19:08:17

标签: c arrays struct stack

我想使用堆栈的数组实现模拟一个停车场。 使用3个基本功能:



PopByNum-根据汽车ID移除汽车并返回金额 钱的汽车必须根据在停车场的时间支付。 (这样做时,我只能使用弹出和推入)。

和main将包含一个while循环,该循环将模拟从08:00到12:00的一天的工作,而该循环的每个条目都是10分钟。 每10分钟就有一辆汽车进来。 每20分钟就有一辆汽车熄灭。


当前是我的主要问题,我的停车场从来没有满员。我认为问题出在“ PopByNum”功能上,我找不到它。


基本上在“ PopByNum”中,我尝试执行以下操作:

  1. 找到我要取出的汽车,并计算到阵列顶部的距离。
  2. 创建一个临时停车场并移动汽车,直到我到达那辆汽车。
  3. 节省那辆车的进入时间,计算要支付的金额。
  4. 归还我转移到临时停车场的汽车。
  5. 退还要支付的款项。

    typedef struct TIME
        int hours;
        int minutes;
    } Time;
    typedef struct CAR
        int id;
        Time* entery_time;
    } Car;
    typedef struct PARKING_LOT
        float rate_hour;
        int size;
        Car *stack;
        int top;
    } Parking_Lot;
    int PLisFull(Parking_Lot* PL)
    return PL->top == PL->size - 1;
    int PLisEmpty(Parking_Lot* PL)
    return PL->top == - 1;
    Parking_Lot* PushCar(Parking_Lot* PL, int id, Time *time)
        if (PLisFull(PL))
            return PL;
        Car* tmp = (Car*)malloc(sizeof(Car));
        tmp->id = id;
        tmp->entery_time = time;
        PL->top += 1;
        PL->stack[PL->top] = *tmp;
        return PL;
    Time* PopCar(Parking_Lot* PL)
        if (PLisEmpty(PL))
            return 0;
        Car* tmp = (Car*)malloc(sizeof(Car));
        Time *time = (Time*)malloc(sizeof(Time));
        tmp[0] = PL->stack[PL->top];
        time = tmp->entery_time;
        PL->top -= 1;
        return time;
    float popByCarNum(Parking_Lot* PL, Time* CurrentTime, int CarID)
        if (PLisEmpty(PL))
            return 0;
        int counter = 0;
        for (int i = PL->top; i >= 0; i--)
            if (PL->stack[i].id == CarID)
                counter = i;
        Parking_Lot *tmp = 0;
            tmp = CreateParkingLot(tmp, PL->rate_hour,(PL->top - counter));
        int id;
        Time *time;
        int i = PL->top;
        for ( ; i > counter ; i--)
            id = PL->stack[PL->top].id;
                time = PopCar(PL);
            tmp = PushCar(tmp, id, time);
        Time* entery = 0;
        entery = PopCar(PL);
        float sum = CalculateRate(entery , CurrentTime, PL->rate_hour);
        for (int i = (PL->top - counter); i>= 0 ; i--)
            id = tmp->stack[tmp->top].id;
            time = PopCar(tmp);
            PL = PushCar(tmp, id, time);
        return sum;
    void main()
        int SIZE = 3;
        float rate = 30;
        int timer = 800;
        Time* timeOfday = timeToStruct(timer);
        Time* pressure_time = timeToStruct(0);
        Parking_Lot* PL = 0;
        PL = CreateParkingLot(PL, rate, SIZE);
        int counter = 0;
        int rejected_cars = 0;
        int num = 0;
        int num1 = 0;
        float sum = 0;
        while (timeOfday->hours <= 12)
            Time* currentTime = timeToStruct(0);
            timeOfday->minutes += 10;
            if (timeOfday->minutes >= 60)
                timeOfday->hours += 1;
                timeOfday->minutes -= 60;
            if (1)
                if (PL->top == (PL->size -1))
                    if ((pressure_time->hours == 0) && (pressure_time->minutes == 0))
                        pressure_time->hours = timeOfday->hours;
                        pressure_time->minutes = timeOfday->minutes;
                currentTime->hours = timeOfday->hours;
                currentTime->minutes = timeOfday->minutes;
                num1 = rand() % 9000 + 1000;
                PL = PushCar(PL, num1 , currentTime);
            if ((counter > 0) && (counter % 2 == 0))
                num = rand() % (PL->top + 1);
                sum += popByCarNum(PL, timeOfday, PL->stack[num].id);
        printf("The profit of the day is :%f\nThe total of rejected cars is :%d\nThe pressure start at :%0.4\n", sum, rejected_cars, TimeRepresent(pressure_time));

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