
时间:2019-04-11 12:58:27

标签: python sqlite pygame

实施排行榜系统;我采用的方法是使用sqlite3,在该方法中,我从数据库中提取了所有记录,然后将它们从数组中“解开”,然后将其blit到表面。我在拖拉它们时遇到了麻烦,我不知道如何像排行榜那样将它们全部显示在屏幕上。 代码:

def lbButton(self, action='leaderboard'):
    self.leaderboardMenu = True
    if self.x + self.buttonWidth > self.mousePos[0] > self.x and self.y + self.buttonHeight > self.mousePos[1] > self.y:
        if self.mouseClick[0] == 1:
            if action == 'leaderboard':
                image = pg.image.load('leaderboardImg.jpg')
                while self.leaderboardMenu:
                    for event in pg.event.get():
                        if event.type == QUIT:
                        if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                            if event.key == pg.K_SPACE:
                                self.leaderboardMenu = False

                    self.surface.blit(image, (0, 0))
                    #tempName = ''
                    #tempScore = ''
                    getData = c.execute("SELECT * FROM names where name = name ORDER BY score DESC")  # get so highest score is first
                    getData = getData.fetchall()  # fetch all
                    for _ in getData:
                        getData = [_ for y in getData for y in _]  # fetchall returns data in form: [(name, score), (name, score)],
                        # so using this loop 'untangles' that array and makes it so i can get the name and score individually
                        names = getData[0][0]
                        scores = str(getData[0][1])

                    namesFont = pg.font.SysFont('comicsansms', 20)
                    namesText = namesFont.render(names, 1, COLOUR_RED)
                    self.surface.blit(namesText, (400,400))
                    scoresFont = pg.font.SysFont('comicsansms', 20)
                    scoresText = scoresFont.render(scores, 1, COLOUR_RED)
                    self.surface.blit(scoresText, (400, 400))

排行榜看起来像atm:https://i.imgur.com/hcmCVQP.png 如果我打印“名称”(连同数据库记录),则结果为:https://i.imgur.com/TEqyFJj.png(名称无限打印) 任何帮助,将不胜感激。谢谢 (其余的代码有效,只是将记录写到屏幕上就是问题。)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


self.surface.blit(scoresText, (400, 400))


def getFontHeight( test_font ):
    text_height = 0
    test_bitmap = test_font.render( "WQ|^yg!`_", True, (0,0,0) )
    text_height = test_bitmap.get_height()
    return text_height

它使用同时包含ascendersdescenders的一段文本来获得 rough 粗略的想法,即所渲染的文本应该有多高。这很重要,因为___的位图高度与XXX不同,并且使用每个位图的行高会产生不均匀的结果。


names_font  = pg.font.SysFont( 'comicsansms', 20 )
scores_font = pg.font.SysFont( 'comicsansms', 20 )


def renderLeaderboard( screen, leaderboard, position, name_font, scores_font, column2at=400, spacer=5 ):
    names_font_height  = getFontHeight( name_font )
    scores_font_height = getFontHeight( scores_font )
    line_height        = max( names_font_height, scores_font_height )

    name_column  = position[0]
    row          = position[1]
    score_column = name_column + column2at

    for name, score in leaderboard:
        name_text = name_font.render( name, True, NAME_COLOUR )
        score_text= score_font.render( score, True, SCORE_COLOUR )
        screen.blit( name_text, ( name_column, row ) )
        screen.blit( score_text, ( score_column, row ) )
        row += line_height + spacer
