from sys import argv
script, user_name = argv
prompt = '>'
print("Hi %s I am the %s script." % (user_name, script))
print("I would like to ask you a few questions.")
print("Do you like me %s?" % user_name)
likes = input(prompt)
print("Where do you live %s?" % user_name)
lives = input(prompt)
print("What kind of computer do you have?")
computer = input(prompt)
Alright, so you said %r about liking me.
You live in %r. Not sure where that is.
And you have a %r computer. Nice.
""" % (likes, lives, computer))
第3行,在 脚本,user_name = argv ValueError:没有足够的值可解包(预期2,得到1)