使用Fog(Google Cloud)作为临时图像存储

时间:2019-04-11 09:51:59

标签: ruby-on-rails heroku carrierwave sidekiq carrierwave-backgrounder

我有一个在Heroku中运行的Rails应用程序,该应用程序支持通过Carrierwave上传图像,并上传到Google Cloud Storage。

我现在正在实施`data.table` solution **sample data** library(data.table) DT <- fread("Var1 | V1 | V2 0060a00000fUbAnAAK |S 2 |S 5") **code** #melt DT to long format DT <- melt( DT, id.vars = "Var1", value.name = "stage") #get stage as numeric and clean up unwanted columns DT[, `:=`(variable = NULL, stage = as.numeric( gsub("[^0-9]", "", stage)))] #create new stages based on minimum and maximum stage per Var1-value DT[, .( V1 = paste0( "S ", min(stage):(max(stage)-1) ), V2 = paste0( "S ", (min(stage)+1):max(stage) ) ), by = .(Var1)][] **output** # Var1 V1 V2 # 1: 0060a00000fUbAnAAK S 2 S 3 # 2: 0060a00000fUbAnAAK S 3 S 4 # 3: 0060a00000fUbAnAAK S 4 S 5 ,因为要上传的图像经常会导致H12超时,这意味着用户只需坐下等待直到超时。


我现在要做的是让carrierwave_backgrounder使用Fog作为临时文件存储,并且将该URL传递给Sidekiq worker,而不是将临时缓存的文件上传到Heroku服务器


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