
时间:2019-04-11 07:11:19

标签: scala future


我从这里进行了检查,但这还不够,因为当一个失败时我没有获得成功状态,而在failure in Scala future's for comprehension都失败的情况下我都没有获得失败状态

case class TaggedException(context:String, val throwable: Throwable) extends Exception(throwable.getMessage)

val f1 = Future {...}.recoverWith {case e:Throwable => Future.Failed(new TaggedException("first one failed", e))}
val f2 = Future {...}.recoverWith {case e: Throwable => Future.Failed(new TaggedException("second one failed", e))}

val combinedResult = for {
  r1 <- f1
  r2 <- f2
} yield (r1,r2)

combinedResult.onFailure {
case e : TaggedException => ... // if both fail I only get the first line in the for
// in case where single fails I only know fail status without the success of the second


var countCompleted = 0 ... or some other atomic way to count 
f1 onComplete {
  case Success(value) => {
    ... countCompleted increment ... 
    // handle success
    if both completed {
       // handle returning a status
  case Failure(error) => {
    ... countCompleted increment ... 
    // handle failure
    if both completed {
       // handle returning a status

f2 onComplete {
  case Success(value) => {
    ... countCompleted increment ... 
    // handle success
    if both completed {
       // handle returning a status
  case Failure(error) => {
    ... countCompleted increment ... 
    // handle failure
    if both completed {
       // handle returning a status


def toFutureTry[A](future: Future[A]):Future[Try[A]] = future.map(Success(_)).recover {case t: Throwable => Failure(t)}

    val fa: Future[Try[Blah]] = toFutureTry(f1)
    val fb: Future[Try[Foo]] = toFutureTry(f2)

    val combinedRes = for {
      ra <- fa
      rb <- fb
    } yield (ra,rb)

    combinedRes.onComplete {
      case Success(successRes: (Try[Blah], Try[Foo])) => // all of these cases are success or fails
      case Failure(f: Throwable) => // i think it is unused right?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



val f1 = Future.failed[Int](new Exception("42")).recoverWith {
  case e: Throwable => Future.failed(TaggedException("first one failed", e))

val f2 = Future(42).recoverWith {
  case e: Throwable =>
    Future.failed(TaggedException("second one failed", e))

val res: Future[List[Either[Throwable, Int]]] = 
   .traverse(List(f1, f2)) {
      eventualInt => eventualInt
       .map(i => Right(i))
       .recover { case err => Left(err) }

res.onComplete {
  case Failure(exception) =>
  case Success(value) =>
    value.foreach {
      case Right(int) => println(s"Received num: $int")
      case Left(err) => println(s"Oh no, err: $err")

Await.result(res, Duration.Inf)


import cats.data.Validated.{Invalid, Valid}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import cats.implicits._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
  case class TaggedException(context: String, throwable: Throwable)
    extends Exception(throwable.getMessage)

  val f1 = Future.failed[Int](new Exception("42")).recoverWith {
    case e: Throwable => Future.failed(TaggedException("first one failed", e))

  val f2 = Future(42).recoverWith {
    case e: Throwable => Future.failed(TaggedException("second one failed", e))

  val res: Future[List[Validated[Throwable, Int]]] = 
    List(f1, f2)
     .traverse(eventualInt => eventualInt
                       .map(i => Valid(i))
                       .recover { case err => Invalid(err) })

  res.onComplete {
    case Failure(exception) =>
    case Success(value) =>
      value.foreach {
        case Valid(int) => println(s"Received num: $int")
        case Invalid(err) => println(s"Oh no, err: $err")

  Await.result(res, Duration.Inf)


Oh no, err: TaggedException$3: 42
Received num: 42

答案 1 :(得分:1)


val combinedResult: Future[(Try[T], Try[T])] =


combinedResult map {
  case (Success(v1), Success(v2)) =>
  case (Success(v1), Failure(f2)) =>
  case (Failure(f1), Success(v2)) =>
  case (Failure(f1), Failure(f2)) =>

答案 2 :(得分:0)

有了理解,只要一行失败,代码就会在此停止,并抛出任何异常。如果r1 <- f1抛出一个Throwable,r2 <- f2将永远不会被击中。

我个人将它们都放在Either[Throwable, whatever]中,而不是将每个.recoverWith放在Future.Failed(...)中。这样,您不仅可以执行onFailure的操作,还可以使用获得的任何Left的值进行操作,还可以使用获得的任何Right的值进行其他操作。或者,您可以使用Try/Success/Failure ...取决于您要如何处理错误。


import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

val f1 = Future(Try(1 / 1))
val f2 = Future(Try(1 / 0))

// for-comprehensions won't fall over when reading a Failure
// as failures don't extend Throwable
val combinedResult = for {
  r1 <- f1 // Success(1)
  r2 <- f2 // Failure(java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero)
} yield List(r1,r2)

combinedResult.map { // get inside Future
  f =>
    f.map { // get inside List
      case Success(a) => // do something with success
      case Failure(e: IndexOutOfBoundsException) => // do something with failure
      case Failure(e: ArithmeticException) => // do something with failure
      case Failure(e) => // do something with failure


答案 3 :(得分:0)





val lifted1: Future[Try[Foo]] = f1.transform(Success(_))
val lifted2: Future[Try[Bar]] = f1.transform(Success(_))


 (lifted1 zip lifted2).map { 
   case (Success(foo), Success(bar)) => // both succeeded!
   case (Success(foo), Failure(t)) => // foo succeeded, bar failed with t
   case (Failure(t), Success(bar)) => // guess what!
   case (Failure(t1), Failure(t2)) => // oops


 object FutureSyntax { 
   implicit class FutureOps[A](val fu: Future[A]) extends AnyVal {
      def liftToTry: Future[Try[A]] = fu.transform(Success(_))

所以,现在,如果您import FutureSyntax._,则以上内容可以写为

 (f1.liftToTry zip f2.liftToTry).map { 
    case (Success(foo), Success(bar)) => ... 
