IllegalArgumentException:'字段“ rawPrediction”不存在。使用Binary分类评估器在Spark数据框中

时间:2019-04-10 21:55:50

标签: python-3.x apache-spark apache-spark-sql nlp

我正在尝试使用Binaryclassification评估程序评估我的模型,但是尽管实际上存在“ rawPrediction”,但我仍然收到上述错误。



# creating bag of word model
from import CountVectorizer, StringIndexer
from import LogisticRegression
from import Pipeline

cv = CountVectorizer(inputCol = 'bagofwords', outputCol='vectors')    #features
si = StringIndexer(inputCol = 'Sentiment', outputCol = 'label')    #labels

lr = LogisticRegression(featuresCol = 'vectors', labelCol = 'label', maxIter = 10, regParam = 0.3, elasticNetParam = 0.8)

pipeline = Pipeline(stages = [cv, si, lr])

model =

prediction = model.transform(df_test)

[Row(Sentiment='negative', text='!!!!!!TO AVOID!!!!!\n\nFirst of all,    as we enter, the host was very rude (and seemed not to like his job). We get seated, and then my husband had to GET UP to ask for menus and water. After getting it, we ask for the 2 for 22$ menu, we were told the boss at this location was not offering it anymore. The 2 for 22$ being the main appeal of the restaurant, we got up and left to go to the Sherbrooke location. \n\n\nI have been to the sherbrooke location before and still now i have nothing to complain about. A1 service.\n\nWhat a shame for the Madisons restaurant line.', bagofwords=['main', 'still', 'seated', 'what', 'rude', 'not', 'nothing', 'then', 'location', 'got', 'sherbrooke', 'get', 'appeal', 'as', 'enter', 'offering', 'left', 'first', 'madisons', 'been', 'husband', 'told', 'the', 'sherbrooke', 'ask', 'get', 'to', 'being', 'go', 'after', 'anymore', 'a', 'very', 'like', 'menus', 'menu', 'getting', 'service', 'line', 'restaurant', 'avoid', 'complain', 'job', 'host', 'seemed', 'shame', 'boss', 'up', 'water'], vectors=SparseVector(191243, {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 7: 1.0, 9: 1.0, 12: 1.0, 13: 2.0, 14: 1.0, 25: 1.0, 31: 1.0, 40: 1.0, 65: 1.0, 78: 1.0, 81: 1.0, 87: 1.0, 98: 1.0, 105: 1.0, 120: 1.0, 125: 1.0, 146: 1.0, 187: 1.0, 193: 1.0, 209: 1.0, 215: 1.0, 218: 1.0, 228: 1.0, 282: 1.0, 283: 1.0, 308: 1.0, 317: 1.0, 330: 1.0, 420: 1.0, 422: 1.0, 463: 1.0, 503: 1.0, 612: 1.0, 876: 1.0, 1202: 1.0, 1277: 1.0, 1584: 1.0, 1588: 1.0, 1602: 1.0, 1714: 1.0, 1968: 1.0, 3140: 1.0, 4329: 1.0, 19856: 2.0, 51462: 1.0}), label=1.0, rawPrediction=DenseVector([1.0612, -1.0612]), probability=DenseVector([0.7429, 0.2571]), prediction=0.0)]

from import BinaryClassificationEvaluator

assess = BinaryClassificationEvaluator().setMetricName('areaUnderROC').setLabelCol('label').setRawPredictionCol('rawPrediction')



IllegalArgumentException                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-41-d1448386660e> in <module>()
  5 #eval =  RegressionEvaluator().setMetricName('rmse').setLabelCol('label').setPredictionCol('prediction')
----> 7 assess.evaluate(df_test)

/usr/local/src/spark21master/spark/python/pyspark/ml/ in   evaluate(self, dataset, params)
 67                 return self.copy(params)._evaluate(dataset)
 68             else:
---> 69                 return self._evaluate(dataset)
     70         else:
     71             raise ValueError("Params must be a param map but got %s." % type(params))

/usr/local/src/spark21master/spark/python/pyspark/ml/ in _evaluate(self, dataset)
 97         """
 98         self._transfer_params_to_java()
---> 99         return self._java_obj.evaluate(dataset._jdf)
101     def isLargerBetter(self):

/usr/local/src/spark21master/spark/python/lib/ in __call__(self, *args)
   1255         answer = self.gateway_client.send_command(command)
   1256         return_value = get_return_value(
-> 1257             answer, self.gateway_client, self.target_id,
   1259         for temp_arg in temp_args:

/usr/local/src/spark21master/spark/python/pyspark/sql/ in deco(*a, **kw)
     77                 raise QueryExecutionException(s.split(': ', 1)[1], stackTrace)
     78             if s.startswith('java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: '):
---> 79                 raise IllegalArgumentException(s.split(': ', 1)[1], stackTrace)
     80             raise
     81     return deco

IllegalArgumentException: 'Field "rawPrediction" does not exist.'

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