
时间:2019-04-10 12:01:05

标签: python data-science string-comparison speech-to-text

我需要比较两个输出字符串,即原始转录和语音转文本服务的转录。通常,数字以数字格式或单词来表示,例如“四个”或“ 4”。考虑到这些不同的转录方法,如何比较字符串?


#Read the two files and store them in s1_raw and s2_raw
with open('original.txt', 'r') as f:
    s1_raw = f.read()
with open('comparison.txt', 'r') as f:
    s2_raw = f.read()

#Transform all letters to minuscule letter
s1 = s1_raw.lower()
s2 = s2_raw.lower()

#Split texts with space as seperator to have a list of words
s1_set = s1.split(' ')
s2_set = s2.split(' ')

#Used later for confidence calculation
count1 = len(s1_set)
count2 = 0
x = 0

#Check which string is longer to prevent running out of indices
if len(s1_set) < len(s2_set):
    #Loop through whole list and compare word by word
    for x in range (0, len(s1_set)):
        if s1_set[x] == s2_set[x]:
            count2 += 1
        x += 1
    #Loop through whole list and compare word by word
    for x in range (0, len(s2_set)):
        if s1_set[x] == s2_set[x]:
            count2 += 1
        x += 1

#Confidence level= correct words divided by total words
confidence = count2/count1

#Print out result
print('The confidence level of this service is {:.2f}%'.format(confidence*100))

我想测量几个* .txt文件的转录准确性,并考虑所有不同的语音到文本服务如何转录的方式。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


例如,如果four是规范形式,则编写代码以将1替换为one,将213替换为two hundred and thirteen,依此类推,并与这些进行比较。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

感谢@Michael Veksler。我现在尝试使用NLTK库将字符串更有效地拆分为单词列表。另外,我尝试查找每个单词的同义词,并比较同义词是否匹配。这仍然不能真正解决问题,所以我想知道还能尝试什么。


from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import wordnet


s1_set = word_tokenize(list1)

现在,我尝试查找单词的同义词并采用第一个找到的同义词。我将其附加到名为“ wl1”的空列表中。我之前检查过是否找到任何同义词,因为并非总是如此。

for i in range(0, (len(s1_set)-1)):
    #Find synonym of word in s1_set index i
    t1 = wordnet.synsets(s1_set[i])
    #Ensure t1 isn't empty
    if t1:

然后我再次像上面我的第一篇文章一样逐字比较。这种方法也不是解决我的问题的令人满意的方法。 谁能想到更好的方法?