
时间:2011-04-06 03:08:34

标签: assembly memory-management malloc nasm


int *arr = malloc(sizeof (int) * size);


所以我需要一个指向空间malloc的指针已经创建了如何在屁股86中执行此操作? 此外,我在哪里存储此指针,以便稍后我可以使用该数组。要说在输入上做二进制搜索吗?

问候 ARR

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)







答案 1 :(得分:2)


Function (ah):     48h  
Entry parameters:  bx- Requested block size (in paragraphs)  
Exit parameters:   If no error (carry clear):  
                       ax:0 points at allocated memory block  
                   If an error (carry set):  
                       bx- maximum possible allocation size  
                       ax- error code (7 or 8)  

This call is used to allocate a block of memory. On entry into DOS,
bx contains the size of the requested block in paragraphs (groups of
16 bytes). On exit, assuming no error, the ax register contains the
segment address of the start of the allocated block. If an error
occurs, the block is not allocated and the ax register is returned
containing the error code.  
If the allocation request failed due to insufficient memory, the bx 
register is returned containing the maximum number of paragraphs actually

Function (ah):    49h  
Entry parameters: es:0- Segment address of block to be deallocated  
Exit parameters:  If the carry is set, ax contains the error code (7,9)  

This call is used to deallocate memory allocated via function 48h above. The
es register cannot contain an arbitrary memory address. It must contain a
value returned by the allocate memory function. You cannot use this call to
deallocate a portion of an allocated block. The modify allocation function
is used for that operation.修改内存分配

Function (ah):     4Ah
Entry parameters:  es:0- address of block to modify allocation size
                   bx- size of new block
Exit parameters:   If the carry is set, then ax contains the error code 7, 8,
                   or 9
                   bx contains the maximum size possible (if error 8)

This call is used to change the size of an allocated block. On entry, es must
contain the segment address of the allocated block returned by the memory
allocation function. Bx must contain the new size of this block in paragraphs.
While you can almost always reduce the size of a block, you cannot normally
increase the size of a block if other blocks have been allocated after the
block being modified. Keep this in mind when using this function.


答案 2 :(得分:1)


This tutorial显示了如何做到这一点。不用担心,此技术不仅限于Mac OS X.

答案 3 :(得分:0)

C编译成Assembly,生成的Assembler代码也会调用malloc。 sizeof(int)应为x86中的4字节/ 32位/双字。

答案 4 :(得分:0)


; calculate allocation size in eax, for example
sub   esp, eax
; esp points to the memory

如果这是在一个函数中,而不是在顶层,那么该函数应该使用堆栈框架(push ebp / mov ebp, esp,函数体,leave / {{1} })恢复ret,以便esp您的其他注册。