我尝试使用#pragma omp并行并让主线程(omp_get_thread_num == 0)处理工作分配,而其他2个线程使用#pragma ompcritical来访问列表以拉出工作,但这尝试运行该命令时会导致INTEL终止错误。
如果(pid == 0) { 向量list_file; //要分发的文件名列表
// pre-populate list_file with special file name "LIST_COMPLETED" so that when a node receives this file name it knows that there is no more file to be requested from node 0
for (int i = 0; i < (numP)*num_readers; i++)
// add the file names to list_file
GetInputFile(argv, list_file); // argv[1] is a text file that contains the input text files to be processed, all the text file names will be added to list_file
int num_file_remaining = list_file.size(); // number of file remained in the queue to be processed
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(num_readers + 1)
if (omp_get_thread_num == 0)
MPI_Status request_stats; // for MPI_recv
// listen to request for file from other nodes as long as there is file left in list_file
while (num_file_remaining > 0)
MPI_Recv(NULL, 0, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request_stats); // listen to request for file
MPI_Send(list_file.back(), 5 * MAX_WORD_LENGTH, MPI_CHAR, request_stats.MPI_SOURCE, request_stats.MPI_SOURCE, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // send the file to respective node
list_file.pop_back(); // remove the file that was just sent
num_file_remaining -= 1; // reduce the number of file remained in the queue
char* file_name;
while (strcmp(file_name, request_termination_message) != 0)
#pragma omp critical
file_name = list_file.back();
num_file_remaining -= 1;