
时间:2011-04-05 23:40:19

标签: python arrays performance numpy loading

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


for x in points:
   for y in x:
       for Z in y:
           # z is a tuple with GPS coordinates


# initially, points is a list of lists of lists
points = itertools.chain.from_iterable(points)
# now points is an iterable producing lists
points = itertools.chain.from_iterable(points)
# now points is an iterable producing coordinates
points = itertools.chain.from_iterable(points)
# now points is an iterable producing individual floating points values
data = numpy.fromiter(points, float)
# data is a numpy array containing all the coordinates
data = data.reshape( data.size/2,2)
# data has now been reshaped to be an nx2 array





# firstly, we use imap to call GetMyPoints a bunch of times
objects = itertools.imap(GetMyPoints, xrange(100))
# next, we use itertools.chain to flatten it into all of the polygons
polygons = itertools.chain.from_iterable(objects)
# tee gives us two iterators over the polygons
polygons_a, polygons_b = itertools.tee(polygons)
# the lengths will be the length of each polygon
polygon_lengths = itertools.imap(len, polygons_a)
# for the actual points, we'll flatten the polygons into points
points = itertools.chain.from_iterable(polygons_b)
# then we'll flatten the points into values
values = itertools.chain.from_iterable(points)

# package all of that into a numpy array
all_points = numpy.fromiter(values, float)
# reshape the numpy array so we have two values for each coordinate
all_points = all_points.reshape(all_points.size // 2, 2)

# produce an iterator of lengths, but put a zero in front
polygon_positions = itertools.chain([0], polygon_lengths)
# produce another numpy array from this
# however, we take the cumulative sum
# so that each index will be the starting index of a polygon
polygon_positions = numpy.cumsum( numpy.fromiter(polygon_positions, int) )

# now for the transformation
# multiply the first coordinate of every point by *.5
all_points[:,0] *= .5

# now to get it out

# polygon_positions is all of the starting positions
# polygon_postions[1:] is the same, but shifted on forward,
# thus it gives us the end of each slice
# slice makes these all slice objects
slices = itertools.starmap(slice, itertools.izip(polygon_positions, polygon_positions[1:]))
# polygons produces an iterator which uses the slices to fetch
# each polygon
polygons = itertools.imap(all_points.__getitem__, slices)

# just iterate over the polygon normally
# each one will be a slice of the numpy array
for polygon in polygons:


这比大多数numpy的东西更难,因为你形状奇特的数据。 Numpy几乎假设一个统一形状数据的世界。

答案 1 :(得分:2)


numpy.array(point_buffer, dtype=numpy.float32)




import timeit

setup = '''
import numpy
import itertools
import struct
big_list = numpy.random.random((10000,2)).tolist()'''

old_way = '''
a = numpy.empty(( len(big_list), 2), numpy.float32)
for i,e in enumerate(big_list):
    a[i] = e

normal_way = '''
a = numpy.array(big_list, dtype=numpy.float32)

iter_way = '''
chain = itertools.chain.from_iterable(big_list)
a = numpy.fromiter(chain, dtype=numpy.float32)

my_way = '''
chain = itertools.chain.from_iterable(big_list)
buffer = struct.pack('f'*len(big_list)*2,*chain)
a = numpy.frombuffer(buffer, numpy.float32)

for way in [old_way, normal_way, iter_way, my_way]:
    print timeit.Timer(way, setup).timeit(1)




如果我理解数据总是列表列表(对象 - 多边形 - 坐标),那么这就是我采用的方法:将数据减少到创建正方形数组的最低维度(2D in这种情况)并使用单独的数组跟踪更高级别分支的索引。这本质上是Winston使用itertools链对象的numpy.fromiter的想法的实现。唯一增加的想法是分支索引。

import numpy, itertools

# heirarchical list of lists of coord pairs
polys = [numpy.random.random((n,2)).tolist() for n in [5,7,12,6]]

# get the indices of the polygons:
lengs = numpy.array([0]+[len(l) for l in polys])
p_idxs = numpy.add.accumulate(lengs)

# convert the flattend list to an array:
chain = itertools.chain.from_iterable
a = numpy.fromiter(chain(chain(polys)), dtype=numpy.float32).reshape(lengs.sum(), 2)

# transform the coords
a *= .5

# get a transformed polygon (using the indices)
def get_poly(n):
    i0 = p_idxs[n]
    i1 = p_idxs[n+1]
    return a[i0:i1]

print 'poly2', get_poly(2)
print 'poly0', get_poly(0)

答案 2 :(得分:2)



point_buffer = np.array(point_list)

如果列表包含(lat, lon)等元素,则会将其转换为包含两列的数组。


point_buffer[:,0] * 0.5