
时间:2019-04-09 14:25:13

标签: sql-server foreach cursor

我需要将值添加到变量@ ProfileId1和@ ProfileId2

类似于C#代码的东西。获取第一个Client的配置文件ID,然后将其值添加到声明的变量中,然后执行查询。 对每个客户端重复此操作。


foreach(var client in clientTable)
              DECLARE @LinkedInProfile1 INT,@LinkedInProfile2 INT;
              SET @ProfileId1 = profile.Id  (This should be 1 in first iteration, 3 in second iteration, 5 in 3th iteration)
              SET @ProfileId2 = profile.Id ; (This should be 2 in first iteration, 4 in second iteration, 6 in 3th iteration)

    execute insert query with new values for ProfileId1 and ProfileId2 

    Client Table
    ID | Name   |
    1  | Client1|
    2  | Client2|
    3  | Clinet3|

    Profile Table
    ID | Name    | ClientId |
    1  | Profile1|    1     |
    2  | Profile2|    1     |
    3  | Profile3|    2     |
    4  | Profile4|    2     |
    5  | Profile5|    3     |
    6  | Profile6|    3     |

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