// Error checking. If there are errors, call the redisplayForm function to redisplay the Quote Form Handler.
if ($errorCount>0 || $errorCount<0) {
redisplayForm($bizName, $bizType, $address1, $address2, $city,
$state, $zip, $sqft, $cName, $email, $bizNameErr, $bizTypeErr,
$address1Err, $cityErr, $stateErr, $zipErr, $sqftErr, $cNameErr, $emailErr );
$bizNameErr = $bizTypeErr = $address1Err = $address2Err = $cityErr = $stateErr
= $zipErr = $sqftErr = $cNameErr = $emailErr = "";
$bizName = $bizType = $address1 = $address2 = $city = $state
= $zip = $sqft = $cName = $email = "";
// If there are no errors, an email will be sent to Conversion Worx with the user's input.
} else {
$To = "myemail";
$Subject = "Quote Form Results";
$Message = "Business Name: " . $bizName . "\n"
. "Business Type: " . $bizType . "\n"
. "Address Line 1: " . $address1 . "\n"
. "Address Line 2: " . $address2 . "\n"
. "City: " . $city . "\n"
. "State: " . $state . "\n"
. "Zip Code: " . $zip . "\n"
. "Estimated Square Feet: " . $sqft . "\n"
. "Contact Name: " . $cName . "\n"
. "Email Address: " . $email;
$result = mail($To, $Subject, $Message);
// If email to Conversion Worx is sent succesfully, send thank you email to user.
if (isset($result)) {
$To = $email;
$Subject = "Virtual Tour Quote Request";
$Headers = 'From: myemail' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To: myemail' . "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
$Message = $cName . ",";
$Message .= "\n" . "\n" . "Thank you for your interest in our 3D 360° Virtual Tours!";
$Message .= "\n" . "\n" . "Your information has been submitted. ";
$Message .= "A Conversion Worx represenative will be contacting you shortly to arrange a quote via phone or on-site visit.";
$Message .= "\n" . "\n" . "We look forward to working with you! ";
$Message .= "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "Sincerely,";
$Message .= "\n" . "\n" . "The Conversion Worx Team";
$result = mail($To, $Subject, $Message, $Headers);
$errorCount = "";
$bizNameErr = $bizTypeErr = $address1Err = $address2Err = $cityErr = $stateErr
= $zipErr = $sqftErr = $cNameErr = $emailErr = "";
$bizName = $bizType = $address1 = $address2 = $city = $state
= $zip = $sqft = $cName = $email = "";
// Check to make sure the required fields from the Quote Form are not empty
if (empty($_POST["bizName"])) {
$bizNameErr = "Business name is required";
} else {
$bizName = test_input($_POST["bizName"]);
if (empty($_POST["cName"])) {
$cNameErr = "Contact Name is required";
} else {
$cName = test_input($_POST["cName"]);
if (empty($_POST["email"])) {
$emailErr = "Email is required";
} else {
$email = test_input($_POST["email"]);
if (empty($_POST["bizType"])) {
$bizTypeErr = "Business Type is required";
} else {
$bizType = test_input($_POST["bizType"]);
if (empty($_POST["address1"])) {
$address1Err = "Address Line 1 is required";
} else {
$address1 = test_input($_POST["address1"]);
if (!empty($_POST["address2"])) {
$address2 = test_input($_POST["address2"]);
if (empty($_POST["city"])) {
$cityErr = "City is required";
} else {
$city = test_input($_POST["city"]);
if (empty($_POST["state"])) {
$stateErr = "State is required";
} else {
$state = test_input($_POST["state"]);
if (empty($_POST["zip"])) {
$zipErr = "Zip Code is required";
} else {
$zip = test_input($_POST["zip"]);
if (empty($_POST["sqft"])) {
$sqftErr = "Square Feet is required";
} else {
$sqft = test_input($_POST["sqft"]);
// Form validation
function test_input($data) {
$data = trim($data);
$data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $data;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您有两种选择:在浏览器(通过javascript / jQuery)或服务器(PHP)中进行验证。
如果您选择PHP路由,则页面 将会更改或刷新,除非您采取特定步骤存储/检索,否则在字段中键入的所有数据都会丢失。 /替换它。
javascript / jQuery路由:
2)在PHP中,接收所有字段值。如果有任何字段未通过验证,则可以将用户(通过PHP headers
坦率地说,完成您想要的最简单的方法是使用基于JavaScript的客户端进行字段验证-这就是99%的网站如何处理这种情况。优点远大于缺点。如果您担心使用F12 DevTools来欺骗您的字段验证的超级用户,那么您可以在PHP中进行一次备份检查,该检查不会打扰保留表单数据(正确使用它们吧!! )。属于黑客类别的人数如此之少,以至于您根本不需要迎合他们-但是您确实需要在PHP方面进行仔细检查,只是不必担心保存其数据。在javascript端注意这一点