我有一个打开对话框的按钮(MatDialog)。该对话框允许用户选择时钟面上的值。我执行了一个返回数字的计算。当用户关闭对话框时,数字将返回到原始父级并更新数字输入字段。此输入字段用于计算视图上的另一个字段。当我单击上/下箭头时,计算所得的字段会更新。当我从对话框更新值时,不会触发计算。我想知道是否是因为它在Angular Zone之外?
// Dialog box code that runs when the end user clicks the close button
// calcHours function to calculate the hours worked when the clock dialog is used
public calcHours (): void {
// Variables to capture timeClock entries from DOM. Total variable to house calculation
let currentStartTime = this.elStartTime.nativeElement.value;
let currentStopTime = this.elStopTime.nativeElement.value;
// Cast the returned time from string to number
currentStartTime = +( currentStartTime.slice( 0, -( currentStartTime.indexOf( ':' ) + 1 ) ) );
currentStopTime = +( currentStopTime.slice( 0, -( currentStopTime.indexOf( ':' ) + 1 ) ) );
// Math to calculate the number of hours based upon the returned string time
const totalHours = currentStopTime - currentStartTime;
if ( currentStartTime !== '' && currentStopTime !== '' ) {
this.dialogRef.close( totalHours );
// Parent code that runs after the dialog is closed
dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe( result => {
// Value returned from dialog box
const dialogHoursCalc = `${ result }`;
// Set value of input field from dialog box
// this.renderer.setProperty( this.elHoursWorked.nativeElement, 'value', dialogHoursCalc );
// Tried using jQuery instead of renderer
$( '#hoursWorked' ).val( dialogHoursCalc );
$( '#hoursWorked' ).trigger( 'change' );
} );
// Pay field that is calculated using the hours from the hoursWorked field
<input type="number" class="form-control" data-number-to-fixed="2" [(ngModel)]="timecarddet.earnings" readonly="true" id="c2" disabled>
/// Directive
import { Directive, OnInit, EventEmitter, Output, ElementRef, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
@Directive({ selector: '[appHoursWorked]' })
export class HoursWorkedDirective implements OnInit {
@Output() ngModelChange: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter(false);
private _el: ElementRef,
private _ngZone: NgZone
) { }
this._ngZone.run(() =>
EDIT 这是我尝试过的指令路线...