
时间:2019-04-08 18:33:42

标签: php phalconphp

我对PHP的知识比较平均(但是基本),但是我对PhalconPHP还是陌生的。我在浏览特定的在线课程网站时了解到PhalconPHP,并且该框架比其他PHP框架更快,更独特,并且它具有Micro软件包,可以轻松开发REST API

就这样,我正在尝试学习如何在PhalconPHP Framework的帮助下开发API。而且,对于像我这样的初学者,我想开始使用raw SQL statements而不是提供的phql syntax,因为我并没有完全开发MVC应用程序(而且我确实有一个很难学习PHQL本身的整个概念,我需要一个单独的时间来学习。)



namespace MyApplication\Db\ShortLinks\Services;

use MyApplication\Db\ShortLinks\DatabaseTables;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Simple as ResultSet;

    class VisitorService
        function getVisitorLogByLinkId($id)
            $sqlQry = "SELECT * FROM visitors v WHERE v.link_id = $id ORDER BY v.visitor_id DESC;";

            $visitor = new DatabaseTables\Visitor();

            $resultSet = new ResultSet(null, $visitor, $visitor->getReadConnection()->query($sqlQry));

            $data = [];

            foreach ($resultSet as $result) {
                $data[] = [
                    "visitor_name"     => $result->visitor_name,
                    "access_timestamp" => $result->access_timestamp

            return $data;



function isLinkIdValid($id)
    $sqlQry = "SELECT IF(COUNT(l.link_id) = 0, 0, 1) 'is_exist' FROM links l WHERE l.link_id = $id;";

    $result = $app->di->db->query($sqlQry);
    $result = $result->fetchAll($result);

    return $result;



要向所有人展示我的代码,我基本上在PhalconPHP's REST Tutorial之后对它进行了模式化,下面是我的代码段:



use Phalcon\Loader;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Micro;
use Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault;
use Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql as PdoMySql;
use Phalcon\Http\Response;

    # Loader initialization and namespace registration
    $loader = new Loader();
        "MyApplication\Db\ShortLinks\DatabaseTables" => __DIR__ . "/models/",
        "MyApplication\Db\ShortLinks\Services"       => __DIR__ . "/services/"

    # DependencyInjector initialization and instantiation of database connection
    $di = new FactoryDefault();
    $di->set("db", function() {
        return new PdoMySql([
            "host"     => "",
            "username" => "username",
            "password" => "password",
            "dbname"  => "short_links"

    # Micro initialization, route definition
    $app = new Micro($di);
    $app->notFound(function() use ($app) {
        $response = new Response();
        $response->setStatusCode(404, "Not Found");
            "status"  => 404,
            "message" => "The specified route was not found, or does not exist",
            "data"    => ""

        return $response;

    require "routes/visitor_route.php";



routes / visitor_route.php


use Phalcon\Http\Response;
use MyApplication\Db\ShortLinks\Services;

require "services/visitor_service.php";

    $app->get('/v1/visitors/log/{id:[0-9]+}', function($id) use ($app) {
        $response = new Response();

        # validate id parameter
        if($id <= 0) {
            $response->setStatusCode(422, "Unprocessable Entity");
                "status"  => 422,
                "message" => "Invalid link id specified.",
                "data"    => ""

            return $response;

        $service = new Services\VisitorService();

        $response->setStatusCode(200, "OK");
            "status" => 200,
            "message" => "",
            "data" => $service->getVisitorLogByLinkId($id)

        # This partially works, except that it does not return whether a link id is valid, so I'm trying to create a logic for one.
        // return $response;

        $tempService = new Services\LinkService();
        $tempResult = $tempService->isLinkIdValid($id);

        return print_r($tempResult);


service / visitor_service.php


namespace MyApplication\Db\ShortLinks\Services;

use MyApplication\Db\ShortLinks\DatabaseTables;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Simple as ResultSet;

    class VisitorService
        # technically belongs to 'services/link_service.php' but placed here to shorten attached codes.
        function getAllLinks()
            $sqlQry = "SELECT * FROM links;";

            $link = new DatabaseTables\Link();

            $resultSet = new ResultSet(null, $link, $link->getReadConnection()->query($sqlQry));

            $data = [];

            foreach ($resultSet as $result) {
                $data[] = [
                    "link_id"      => $result->link_id,
                    "description"  => $result->description,
                    "original_url" => $result->original_url,
                    "short_url"    => $result->short_url

            return $data;

        # technically belongs to 'services/link_service.php' but placed here to shorten attached codes.
        function createNewShortLink($link) 
            $sqlQry = "INSERT INTO links VALUES (DEFAULT, '$link->description', '$link->original_url', $link->base_url, '$link->unique_key', DEFAULT, DEFAULT);";

            $link = new DatabaseTables\Link();

        # technically belongs to 'services/link_service.php' but placed here to shorten attached codes.
        # This is the experimental code i am working with
        function isLinkIdValid($id)
                As it is, everything here doesn't work.

            $sqlQry = "SELECT IF(COUNT(l.link_id) = 0, 0, 1) 'is_exist' FROM links l WHERE l.link_id = $id;";

            $result = $app->di->db->query($sqlQry);
            $result = $result->fetchAll($result);

            return $result;

        function getVisitorLogByLinkId($id)
            $sqlQry = "SELECT * FROM visitors v WHERE v.link_id = $id ORDER BY v.visitor_id DESC;";

            $visitor = new DatabaseTables\Visitor();

            $resultSet = new ResultSet(null, $visitor, $visitor->getReadConnection()->query($sqlQry));

            $data = [];

            foreach ($resultSet as $result) {
                $data[] = [
                    "visitor_name"       => $result->visitor_name,
                    "access_timestamp" => $result->access_timestamp

            return $data;


总而言之,我正在寻找一种使用RAW SQL Statements内的PhalconPHP从数据库中获取单列数据的方法。我已经挖掘了几种资源,但是如果没有的话,它们就很少了。


function isLinkIdValid($dbConn, $id)
    $sqlQry = "SELECT IF(COUNT(l.link_id) = 0, 0, 1) 'is_exist' FROM links l WHERE l.link_id = $id;";

    $isExist = $dbConn->fetchAll($sqlQry, \Phalcon\Db::FETCH_ASSOC);

    return $isExist;

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