What does babel's airbnb preset actually do?

时间:2019-04-08 14:00:21

标签: javascript babel airbnb

I'm learning how to use webpack and babel to compile javascript for front-end applications, and I'm curious about the airbnb babel preset, which a lot of people seem to use when developing react applications. So a couple questions I have:

Does this preset translate any code into code which keeps to airbnb standards?

If so, is it necessary if I use the airbnb style guide anyways?

Additionally, I don't see why it is so necessary for someone who does not keep to the style. Does anyone ever read the compiled code (which is typically minified anyways)? In my experienced I've only read source code in their separate, original files. If that code is not already airbnb styled, I don't see what the advantage is of styling it in compilation -- at least for purposes of reading (I know some of the airbnb standards are for functionality, which does make sense).

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预设是用于支持特定语言功能的插件的集。您可以使用预设利用尚未使用的最新JavaScript功能。已在浏览器中实现。预设将转换您的源代码和语法,使其与浏览器可以理解的本机JavaScript兼容。例如, @babel/preset-react允许您编写JSX(JavaScript作为XML)样式的代码,该代码通常用于定义React组件,尽管浏览器并不自然地理解JSX


好吧,AirBnb决定创建一个guide,以提出一种“合理的写作JavaScript的方法” ,因为每个人的写作方式JavaScript都不一样。理想情况下,本指南为JavaScript应用程序提供了更清晰的结构和顺序。可以在here,中找到整个指南,其中AirBnb描述了它们的约定或有关编写更易于维护的JavaScript的建议。





