How do I fix the MalformedURLException here?

时间:2019-04-08 13:46:03

标签: java

I want the program to print out the text of each url

HtmlPage points = (HtmlPage) webClient.getPage("");
String pointsPageContent=points.asText();

HtmlPage assists = (HtmlPage) webClient.getPage("");
String assistsPageContent=assists.asText();

final HtmlPage page1 = webClient.getPage(pointsPageContent);

final HtmlPage page2 = webClient.getPage(assistsPageContent);

if(input == "Points") {


else if(input == "Assists") {

else {
    System.out.println("not a valid entry, please type either 'Points' or 'Assists' to see the stats for the corresponding category");

I'm supposed to get the text for each URL, but it's giving me the MalformedURLException instead.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


    try {
        HtmlPage points = (HtmlPage) webClient.getPage("");
        String pointsPageContent = points.asText();

        HtmlPage assists = (HtmlPage) webClient.getPage("");
        String assistsPageContent = assists.asText();

        if (input.equals("Points")) {

        } else if (input.equals("Assists")) {
        } else {
            System.out.println("not a valid entry, please type either 'Points' or 'Assists' to see the stats for the corresponding category");
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        ex.printStackTrace(); // Capture and treat errors
