are there some functions or method in the twitter-api streaming activity for the last time?

时间:2019-04-08 13:45:59

标签: node.js twitter

I heard that the Stream () function is now outdated and will not function to stream twitter api, is there another function

I tried streaming twitter api with bot twitter on the follow function to find out what happened and I found an error

I'm looking for code errors that I made and I heard that the Stream () function is now outdated and will not function to stream twitter api, is there another function

this my code

// Setting up a user stream 
var stream ='user');

// Anytime someone follows me
stream.on('follow', followed);

function followed(eventMsg){
    console.log('follow event!');
    var name =;
    var screenName = eventMsg.source.screen_name;
    tweetIt('@' + screenName + ' thank your follow me');

I hope to find a function or method in streaming this twitter api.

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