I have to update the role array at the backend using java. Role array value is a combination of project code and level of access. Existing value of role array will be look like below format:
"role": [
I'll get new role value in array list as input. For ex:-
"update-role": [
i have to compare and replace the array list. If i get same company code i have to replace the value at the backend otherwise i have append the new values. So the output should be look like below value.
"role": [
Tried below code. But not able to get desired output. Can some one help?
ArrayList<String> oktavar = new ArrayList<String>(eventContext.getMessage().getInvocationProperty("oktavar"));
ArrayList<String> csvvar = new ArrayList<String>(eventContext.getMessage().getInvocationProperty("csvvar"));
String s2 = eventContext.getMessage().getInvocationProperty("oktavar").toString();
String s3 = eventContext.getMessage().getInvocationProperty("csvvar").toString();
System.out.println("from java: Splitting array list" + "oktavar" + oktavar + "csvvar" + csvvar);
StringTokenizer st22 = new StringTokenizer(s2, "[]",false);
StringTokenizer st33 = new StringTokenizer(s3, "[]",false);
System.out.println( "st22 values " +st22 +"----"+ st33 );
ArrayList<String> newvar = new ArrayList<String>();
StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(st22.nextToken(), ":");
StringTokenizer st3 = new StringTokenizer(st33.nextToken(), ":");
System.out.println( "st2 values " +st2 +"----"+ st3 );
for (String i : csvvar){
/*String checkString = (String) st2.next
System.out.println("i value" +i +"checkstring"+ checkString);*/
System.out.println("i " + i);
for(String j: oktavar){
while (st3.hasMoreElements()) {
while (st2.hasMoreElements()) {
String t1 = (String) st3.nextToken();
String t2 = (String) st2.nextToken();
System.out.println("t1 " + t1 + "t2 " + t2);
if(t1.equalsIgnoreCase(t2) ){
System.out.println("j " + j);
System.out.println("new array" + newvar);