I have a issue with SSIS OLE DB Command. what Im trying to do, is insert into "person" table and grab the newly created PersonID (table identity) from the insert, as I need this to create a relation into a PersonContactInfo table, this should be pretty simple.
i'm unable to do a stored proceedure and there are around 10k rows so it should be okay with a OLE DB Command
I have tried to write this code and it should match the:
DECLARE @PersonID int
--- create new person
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Personer_LF_TEST](Fornavne, Efternavne, Oprindelse, OprettetDato, OprettetAf,OprindelseID)
VALUES (?, ?, 'Klimaquiz', ?, 499,7)
SET @PersonID = (SELECT scope_identity())
--- update phonenumber
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Kontaktinfo_LF_TEST](PersonID, KontaktInfoTypeID, Notat, Tekst, Oprettet)
VALUES (@PersonID, 5, ?,?, Getdate() )
--- update Email
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Kontaktinfo_LF_TEST](PersonID, KontaktInfoTypeID, Notat, Tekst, Oprettet)
VALUES (@PersonID, 2,?, ?, Getdate() )
--- create persontypecode
INSERT INTO [dbo].[PersonArtskoder_LF_TEST](PersonID, ArtskoderID, Notat, Aktiv, CreatedBy, CreatedOn, ModifiedBy, ModifiedOn, StartDato, SlutDato)
VALUES (@PersonID,?, ?, 1, 209, getdate(), 209, getdate(), getdate(), NULL )
I have also tried just to run the first part with success like this:
-- Create new Person
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Personer_LF_TEST](Fornavne,Efternavne,Oprindelse,OprettetDato,OprettetAf,OprindelseID)
VALUES(?, ?,'Klimaquiz',?,499,7)
that inserts the 10k rows
if try and do this, it fails
-- Create new person
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Personer_LF_TEST](Fornavne,Efternavne,Oprindelse,OprettetDato,OprettetAf,OprindelseID)
VALUES(?, ?,'Klimaquiz',?,499,7)
-- Insert Phone number
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Kontaktinfo_LF_TEST](PersonID, KontaktInfoTypeID, Tekst, Oprettet)
VALUES (1,5,?,Getdate())
the error text is:
Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Command [178]]: SSIS Error Code dts_E_OLEDBERROR. an OLE DB error has occurred.
Error Code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: " Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Insert value list does not match column list"
But the input should match column list.
this is "kinda" the code that i would like the OLD DB Command to execute
DECLARE @PersonID int
--- create new person
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Personer_LF_TEST](Fornavne, Efternavne, Oprindelse, OprettetDato, OprettetAf,OprindelseID)
VALUES ('Simster', 'Mann', 'Klimaquiz', '03-25-2019', 499,7)
SET @PersonID = (SELECT scope_identity())
--- update phonenumber
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Kontaktinfo_LF_TEST](PersonID, KontaktInfoTypeID, Notat, Tekst, Oprettet)
VALUES (@PersonID, 5, 'WEB','22004400', Getdate() )
--- update Email
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Kontaktinfo_LF_TEST](PersonID, KontaktInfoTypeID, Notat, Tekst, Oprettet)
VALUES (@PersonID, 2,'WEB', 'Simster@codewithme.dk', Getdate() )
--- create persontypecode
INSERT INTO [dbo].[PersonArtskoder_LF_TEST](PersonID, ArtskoderID, Notat, Aktiv, CreatedBy, CreatedOn, ModifiedBy, ModifiedOn, StartDato, SlutDato)
VALUES (@PersonID,'30395', 'WEB', 1, 209, getdate(), 209, getdate(), getdate(), NULL )
答案 0 :(得分:1)
If I execute this query with dummy data in SSMS i have no problem executing It,
DECLARE @PersonID int
--- create new person
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Personer_LF_TEST](Fornavne, Efternavne, Oprindelse, OprettetDato, OprettetAf,OprindelseID)
VALUES ('TEST', 'Simmy', 'Klimaquiz', GETDATE(), 499,7)
SET @PersonID = (SELECT scope_identity())
--- update phonenumber
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Kontaktinfo_LF_TEST](PersonID, KontaktInfoTypeID, Notat, Tekst, Oprettet)
VALUES (@PersonID, 5, 'WEB',33445566, Getdate() )
--- update Email
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Kontaktinfo_LF_TEST](PersonID, KontaktInfoTypeID, Notat, Tekst, Oprettet)
VALUES (@PersonID, 2,'WEB', 'simster@codewithme.dk', Getdate() )
--- create persontypecode
INSERT INTO [dbo].[PersonArtskoder_LF_TEST](PersonID, ArtskoderID, Notat, Aktiv, CreatedBy, CreatedOn, ModifiedBy, ModifiedOn, StartDato, SlutDato)
VALUES (@PersonID,'30895', 'WEB', 1, 209, getdate(), 209, getdate(), getdate(), NULL )
I get 4 rows inserted with success but i can't get It to work in the OLE DB Command object. My thought was to add a column to the flow and then add a execute sql command after data flow, the execute SQL command would then based on the input in the column either insert, update or drop/do nothing. But this seems like a tedious way around it.
答案 1 :(得分:1)
I think the best approach might be to break this into pieces.
Adding an edit to handle this is SSIS using this link http://radacad.com/output-parameter-of-stored-procedure-in-ole-db-command-ssis:
1.1 (EDIT) Add a derived column and set ID as null(dt_int)
2.1 (EDIT) Map your column to output parameter of stored procedure that returns scope_identity()
This allows you to bulk insert the 3 subsequent queries.
Late Edit:
Like I said, I am quick to C# script component and this is an example of how to do that...
how to get the last record number after inserting record to database in access