Sub Loan_Amort_VBR()
' This version modifies the fixed rate iteration model to accommodate 3 different
' interest rates specified by the user.
Dim initLoanAmount, LoanLife
Dim yrBegBal(100), YrEndBal(), finalBal
Dim ipPay(100, 2), intRate(1 To 100)
Dim per1, per2, per3, int1, int2, int3
Dim annPayment, annPmtOld
Dim OutputRow, Rowno, NoOfIter, BalTol
Dim OutputSheet, iCol, pCol
' User inputs
' Read in from data entered by user on worksheet
initLoanAmount = Cells(2, 2).Value 'initial loan balance
per1 = Cells(3, 2).Value 'Length of period 1
per2 = Cells(4, 2).Value
per3 = Cells(5, 2).Value
int1 = Cells(6, 2).Value 'Interest rate for period 1
int2 = Cells(7, 2).Value
int3 = Cells(8, 2).Value
LoanLife = per1 + per2 + per3
' Programmer inputs
OutputSheet = "Loan Amort VBR"
BalTol = 1 'Specifies desired accuracy
iCol = 1
pCol = 2
OutputRow = 12 'row below which repayment schedule would start
' Preliminaries
' Make the outSheet the active sheet
' Clear previous data
Rows(OutputRow + 1 & ":" & OutputRow + 300).Select
ReDim YrEndBal(LoanLife) 'Redimension the array
' Computations and output
' Enter appropriate interest rates into the intRate array
For Rowno = 1 To LoanLife
If Rowno <= per1 Then
intRate(Rowno) = int1
ElseIf Rowno <= per1 + per2 Then
intRate(Rowno) = int2
intRate(rNum) = int3
End If
annPayment = initLoanAmount * Application.Min(int1, int2, int3)
NoOfIter = 0 ' Counter for number of iterations
' This Do loop controls the iteration
Do While finalBal > BalTol Or finalBal = 0
' Initialize balance at the beginning of year 1
yrBegBal(1) = initLoanAmount
' Loop to calculate and store year-by-year data
For Rowno = 1 To LoanLife
ipPay(Rowno, iCol) = yrBegBal(Rowno) * intRate(Rowno)
ipPay(Rowno, pCol) = annPayment - ipPay(Rowno, iCol)
YrEndBal(Rowno) = yrBegBal(Rowno) - ipPay(Rowno, pCol)
yrBegBal(Rowno + 1) = YrEndBal(Rowno)
Next Rowno
finalBal = YrEndBal(LoanLife)
annPmtOld = annPayment
' Calculate the next annual payment to try
annPayment = annPayment + (finalBal * (1 + _
Application.Max(int1, int2, int3)) ^ _
(-LoanLife)) / LoanLife
NoOfIter = NoOfIter + 1 ' Count iterations
' Output data to worksheet
For Rowno = 1 To LoanLife
Cells(OutputRow + Rowno, 3).Value = Rowno 'Year number
Cells(OutputRow + Rowno, 4).Value = yrBegBal(Rowno)
Cells(OutputRow + Rowno, 5).Value = annPmtOld
Cells(OutputRow + Rowno, 6).Value = ipPay(Rowno, iCol)
Cells(OutputRow + Rowno, 7).Value = ipPay(Rowno, pCol)
Cells(OutputRow + Rowno, 8).Value = YrEndBal(Rowno)
Cells(OutputRow + Rowno, 9).Value = intRate(Rowno)
Next Rowno
' Print out number of iterations used
Cells(OutputRow + LoanLife + 4, 1).Value = "No. of iterations ="
Cells(OutputRow + LoanLife + 4, 2).Value = numOfIterations
' Format data in table
Range(Cells(OutputRow + 1, 4), Cells(OutputRow + LoanLife, 8)). _
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0"
Range(Cells(OutputRow + 1, 9), Cells(OutputRow + LoanLife, 9)). _
Selection.NumberFormat = "0.0#%"
End Sub
Sub Loan_Amort_VBR()
initLoanAmount = Cells(2, 2).Value 'initial loan balance
per1 = Cells(3, 2).Value 'Length of period 1
per2 = Cells(4, 2).Value
per3 = Cells(5, 2).Value
int1 = Cells(6, 2).Value 'Interest rate for period 1
int2 = Cells(7, 2).Value
int3 = Cells(8, 2).Value
LoanLife = per1 + per2 + per3
OutputSheet = "Loan Amort VBR"
BalTol = 1 'Specifies desired accuracy
iCol = 1
pCol = 2
OutputRow = 12 'row below which repayment schedule would start