即使正在传递数据并且所有功能都在工作。 所有这些AJAX调用所做的只是发布到一个php文件中,该文件将删除数据库表中的一行。
$action = $_POST['action'];
---------------------------------- JS ------------ ------------------------------
function deleteOffer(id){// id is the button id which is the offerId on the fruit_offer table in the DB
action = 'deleteOffer';
url: 'deleteSubmission.php', //Post to File
type: 'POST', //Request Type
data: {'action' : action, 'offerId' : id} //Pass data along
window.location.href=window.location.href; // Reload page after complete
function deleteRequest(id){ // id is the button id which is the requestId on the fruit_request table in the DB
action = 'deleteRequest';
url: 'deleteSubmission.php', //Post to file
type: 'POST', //Request Type
data: {'action' : action, 'requestId' : id} //Pass data along
window.location.href=window.location.href; // Reload page after complete
--------------------------------------- PHP ------- -----------------------------
require 'DBConnect.php'; //Connect to the DB
$action = $_POST['action'];
if($action == 'deleteOffer'){ //Check if action is deleteOffer from ajax
$offerId = $_REQUEST['offerId'];
$sql = $pdo->prepare( "DELETE FROM fruit_offer
WHERE offerId = ?"); // Prepare the SQL Query
$sql -> bindParam(1, $offerId, PDO::PARAM_STR, 50); // Bind Parameter $offerId to STR(50) (more secure)
$sql -> execute();
$pdo = null; //Set $pdo & $sql to null (more secure)
$sql = null;
}// if
if($action == 'deleteRequest'){ //Check if action is deleteRequest from ajax
$requestId = $_REQUEST['requestId'];
$sql = $pdo->prepare( "DELETE FROM fruit_request
WHERE requestId = ?"); //preparing sql statement to execute
$sql -> bindParam(1, $requestId, PDO::PARAM_STR, 50); //Bind parameter $requestId to STR(50) (More Secure)
$sql -> execute();
$pdo = null; //Set $pdo & $sql to null (more secure)
$sql = null;