!),其中单击一个绘图中的字形会影响同一仪表板中表格的输出。出于某种原因,我能够单击并选择该点,但表中没有任何变化。 (由于某种原因,它无法打印到控制台,所以我很难调试(?)。)我已经尝试了很多不同的方法,但是没有运气。如果有人可以提供任何意见,我将不胜感激。遵循守则。以下代码以名称"main.py"
的文件夹中。 bokeh服务器启动时具有以下功能:
from bokeh.io import curdoc
from bokeh.layouts import column
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, TableColumn
# Create data for plot
x = [0, 1]
y = [0, 1]
table_index = [0, 1]
# Create the plot (this will be clicked on)
plot = figure(height = 400, width = 600,
title='Select a point', tools='tap')
plot_source = ColumnDataSource(data = dict(x=x, y=y))
renderer = plot.circle('x', 'y', source=plot_source, size=30)
# Create two sets of data for the tablet
master_data = {}
master_data[0] = {'animals': ['dog', 'cat', 'cow', 'mouse'],
'plants': ['carrot', 'catnip', 'grass', 'cheese']}
master_data[1] = {'animals': ['elephant', 'lion', 'monkey', 'emu'],
'plants': ['grass', 'turnips', 'banana', 'petunias']}
# Create a table
data = master_data[0]
table_source = ColumnDataSource(data)
columns = [ TableColumn(field='animals', title = 'Animal'),
TableColumn(field='plants', title = 'Plant') ]
data_table = DataTable(source=table_source, columns=columns,
width=400, height=600)
# Here the reactions of the server are defined
def my_tap_handler(attr, old, new):
index = source.selected.indices
data_table.source = ColumnDataSource(master_data[index])
renderer.data_source.on_change("selected", my_tap_handler)
# Collect it all together iin the current doc
curdoc().add_root(column(plot, data_table))
curdoc().title = 'Select experiment'