我希望能够替换PDF文档中的书签(内容),例如从“ 1.开始”到“ <1.开始>”,并将替换的PDF保存到TXT文件中。
// Used to save bookmark strings
private static String res = "";
// Recursive calls to get bookmark
private static void printBookmark(PDOutlineNode bookmark, int indentation) throws IOException {
PDOutlineItem current = bookmark.getFirstChild();
while (current != null) {
res += "<" + indentation + ">" + current.getTitle() + "\n";
// Can I add some code here to change the bookmark of the loaded PDDocument?
// I tried to define temp_current, temp_bookmark to store the desired value and
// finally assign it to the PDDocument object, but it failed.
printBookmark(current, indentation + 1);
current = current.getNextSibling();