如何从数据框构建图形? (GraphX)

时间:2019-04-05 07:27:09

标签: scala apache-spark dataframe graph spark-graphx


|S                          |P                    |O                           |
|http://website/Jimmy_Carter|http://web/name      |James Earl Carter           |
|http://website/Jimmy_Car   |http://web/country   |http://website/United_States|
|http://website/Jimmy_Car   |http://web/birthPlace|http://web/Georgia_(US)     |

这是数据框的代码,我想从数据框“ dfA”创建图

 val test = sc
     .map(_.split(" "))
     .map(p => Triple(Try(p(0).toString()).toOption,

  val url_regex = """^(?:"|<{1}\s?)(.*)(?:>(?:\s\.)?|,\s.*)$"""
  val dfA = test
      .withColumn("Subject", regexp_extract($"Subject", url_regex, 1))
      .withColumn("Predicate", regexp_extract($"Predicate", url_regex, 1))
      .withColumn("Object", regexp_extract($"Object", url_regex, 1))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


换句话说,您需要一个RDD[(VertexId, X)]用于顶点,一个RDD[Edge(VertexId, VertexId, Y)],其中X是顶点元数据,Y是边缘元数据。请注意,VertexId只是Long的别名。

在您的情况下,顶点列为“ S”和“ O”,边列为“ P”,则操作如下。

// Let's create the vertex RDD.
val vertices : RDD[(VertexId, String)] = df
    .select(explode(array('S, 'O))) // S and O are the vertices
    .distinct // we remove duplicates
    .rdd.map(_.getAs[String](0)) // transform to RDD
    .zipWithIndex // associate a long index to each vertex

// Now let's define a vertex dataframe because joins are clearer in sparkSQL
val vertexDf = vertices.toDF("id", "node")

// And let's extract the edges and join their vertices with their respective IDs
val edges : RDD[Edge(VertexId, VertexId, String)] = df
    .join(vertexDf, df("S") === vertexDf("node")) // getting the IDs for "S"
    .select('P, 'O, 'id as 'idS)
    .join(vertexDf, df("O") === vertexDf("node")) // getting the IDs for "O"
    .rdd.map(row => // creating the edge using column "P" as metadata 
      Edge(row.getAs[Long]("idS"), row.getAs[Long]("id"), row.getAs[String]("P")))

// And finally
val graph = Graph(vertices, edges)