在Python 3.6.2中使用Tensorflow训练程序时遇到错误
import sys
import os
import argparse
from setup.settings import hparams, preprocessing
import math
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/nmt")
from nmt import nmt
import tensorflow as tf
import colorama
from threading import Thread
from setup.custom_summary import custom_summary
def train():
print('\n\n{}Training model...{}\n'.format(colorama.Fore.GREEN, colorama.Fore.RESET))
# Custom epoch training and decaying
if preprocessing['epochs'] is not None:
# Load corpus size, calculate number of steps
with open('{}/corpus_size'.format(preprocessing['train_folder']), 'r') as f:
corpus_size = int(f.read())
# Load current train progress
with open('{}epochs_passed'.format(hparams['out_dir']), 'r') as f:
initial_epoch = int(f.read())
initial_epoch = 0
# Iterate thru epochs
for epoch, learning_rate in enumerate(preprocessing['epochs']):
# Check if model already passed that epoch
if epoch < initial_epoch:
print('{}Epoch: {}, learning rate: {} - already passed{}'.format(colorama.Fore.GREEN, epoch + 1, learning_rate, colorama.Fore.RESET))
# Calculate new number of training steps - up to the end of current epoch
num_train_steps = math.ceil((epoch + 1) * corpus_size / (hparams['batch_size'] if 'batch_size' in hparams else 128))
print("\n{}Epoch: {}, steps per epoch: {}, epoch ends at {} steps, learning rate: {} - training{}\n".format(
epoch + 1,
math.ceil(corpus_size / (hparams['batch_size'] if 'batch_size' in hparams else 128)),
# Override hparams
hparams['num_train_steps'] = num_train_steps
hparams['learning_rate'] = learning_rate
hparams['override_loaded_hparams'] = True
# Run TensorFlow threaded (exits on finished training, but we want to train more)
thread = Thread(target=nmt_train)
# Save epoch progress
with open('{}epochs_passed'.format(hparams['out_dir']), 'w') as f:
f.write(str(epoch + 1))
# Standard training
print('\n\n{}Training finished{}\n'.format(colorama.Fore.GREEN, colorama.Fore.RESET))
def nmt_train():
# Modified autorun from nmt.py (bottom of the file)
# We want to use original argument parser (for validation, etc)
nmt_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# But we have to hack settings from our config in there instead of commandline options
nmt.FLAGS, unparsed = nmt_parser.parse_known_args(['--'+k+'='+str(v) for k,v in hparams.items()])
# Add custom summary function (hook)
nmt.summary_callback = custom_summary
# And now we can run TF with modified arguments
tf.app.run(main=nmt.main, argv=[os.getcwd() + '\nmt\nmt\nmt.py'] + unparsed)
import os
## Internal path settings
# Root package path (do not change if you're unsure about that change)
package_path = ''
# Model path
out_dir = os.path.join(package_path, "model/")
# Training data path
train_dir = os.path.join(package_path, "data/")
# Raw data path (data to be prepared and tokenized)
source_dir = os.path.join(package_path, "new_data/")
## Settings you can adjust
# Preprocessing settings
preprocessing = {
# Number of samples to save in training data set
# -1 means all available in source data set
'samples': -1,
# Vocab max size
'vocab_size': 15000,
# Whether to use joined (common) vocab for both source and destination
# (should work well with BPE/WPM-like tokenization for our chatbot - english-english translation)
'joined_vocab': True,
# Whether to use BPE/WPM-like tokenization, or standard one
'use_bpe': True,
# Whether to use:
# - embedded detokenizer (increases number of vocab tokens, but is more accurate)
# - external/rule-based detokenizer (based of a bunch of rules and regular expressions)
# doesn't increase number of tokens in vocab, but it's hard to make a rule for every case)
# Note, that embedded detokenizer is forced to True while using BPE-like tokenizer
'embedded_detokenizer': True,
# Test sets' max size
'test_size': 100,
# Custom decaying scheme and training duration:
# - trains model for certain number of epochs (number of list entries)
# - applies learning rate for every epoch
# - default: [0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001] - means: train for 3 epochs using choosen learing rates for corresponding epoch
# - automatically sets number of steps and restarts training every epoch with changed learning rate
# - ends training after set number of epochs
# Set to None to disable
'epochs': [0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001],
## You don't normally need to change anything below (internal settings)
# Cache 'prepairing training set' and 'building temporary vocab' steps
'cache_preparation': False,
# Source (raw) data folder
'source_folder': source_dir,
# Place to save preprocessed and tokenized training set
'train_folder': train_dir,
# File with protected phrases for standard tokenizer
'protected_phrases_standard_file': os.path.join(package_path, 'setup/protected_phrases_standard.txt'),
# File with protected phrases for BPE/WPM-like tokenizer
'protected_phrases_bpe_file': os.path.join(package_path, 'setup/protected_phrases_bpe.txt'),
# File with detokenizer rules (for standard detokenizer)
'answers_detokenize_file': os.path.join(package_path, 'setup/answers_detokenize.txt'),
# File with replace rules for answers
'answers_replace_file': os.path.join(package_path, 'setup/answers_replace.txt'),
# Number of processes to be spawned during tokenization (leave None for os.cpu_count())
'cpu_count': None,
# hparams
hparams = {
'attention': 'scaled_luong',
'num_train_steps': 10000000,
'num_layers': 2,
# 'num_encoder_layers': 2,
# 'num_decoder_layers': 2,
'num_units': 512,
# 'batch_size': 128,
# 'override_loaded_hparams': True,
# 'decay_scheme': 'luong234'
# 'residual': True,
'optimizer': 'adam',
'encoder_type': 'bi',
'learning_rate': 0.001,
'beam_width': 20,
'length_penalty_weight': 1.0,
'num_translations_per_input': 20,
# 'num_keep_ckpts': 5,
## You don't normally need to change anything below (internal settings)
'src': 'from',
'tgt': 'to',
'vocab_prefix': os.path.join(train_dir, "vocab"),
'train_prefix': os.path.join(train_dir, "train"),
'dev_prefix': os.path.join(train_dir, "tst2012"),
'test_prefix': os.path.join(train_dir, "tst2013"),
'out_dir': out_dir,
'share_vocab': preprocessing['joined_vocab'],
# response score settings
score = {
# Either to use scoring or score responses by order only
'use_scoring': True,
# File with blacklisted answers
'answers_subsentence_score_file': os.path.join(package_path, 'setup/answers_subsentence_score.txt'),
# Starting score of every output sentence (response)
'starting_score': 10,
# How to choose response to return
# - None - first response with best score
# - 'best_score' - random response with best score
# - 'above_threshold' - random response above or equal threshold
'pick_random': 'best_score',
# Threshold of good response
# 'above_threshold':
# - zero or greater - that value
# - negative value - difference from best score
# 'best_score' and None - returns sentence only if above threshold (including negative value)
'bad_response_threshold': 0,
## Answer to question similarity (using Levenshtein ratio)
# 0..1
'question_answer_similarity_threshold': 0.75,
# Minimum sentence length to run test (allow very short responses similar to questions)
'question_answer_similarity_sentence_len': 10,
# Modifier type:
# - value - add given value
# - multiplier - diffrence between ratio and threshold divided by (1 - ratio) multiplied by modifier value
'question_answer_similarity_modifier': 'value', # 'multiplier'
# Modifier value (None to disable)
'question_answer_similarity_modifier_value': -100,
## Subsentence similarity
# Regular expression of subsentence dividers
'subsentence_dividers': "[\.,!\?;]|but",
# 0..1
'answer_subsentence_similarity_threshold': 0.5,
# Minimum sentence length to run test (allow very short responses similar to questions)
'answer_subsentence_similarity_sentence_len': 10,
# Modifier type:
# - value - add given value
# - multiplier - diffrence between ratio and threshold divided by (1 - ratio) multiplied by modifier value
'answer_subsentence_similarity_modifier': 'multiplier', # 'value'
# Modifier value (None to disable)
'answer_subsentence_similarity_modifier_value': -10,
# Regular expression for where url ends
'url_delimiters': ' )',
# Modifier value for incorrect url (None to disable)
'incorrect_url_modifier_value': -100,
# Regular expression of sentence endings
'sentence_ending': '[\.!\?;]|FTFY', # FTFY doesn;t end with dot
# Sentence length threshhold
'sentence_ending_sentence_len': 20,
# Tuple of two modifiers: (None to disable)
# - modifier if sentence is longer than length above
# - modifier if sentence is shorter (only if sententence ends with letter of digit), else threated as long sentence
'no_ending_modifier_value': (-100, -5),
# Unk modifier value (None to disable)
'unk_modifier_value': -100,
# Weather to use subsentence score file or not (modifier value included inside that file)
'use_subsentence_score': True,
# Response number modidier (key - starting index, value - modifier value)
'position_modifier': {1: 1.5, 2: 1, 4: 0.5, 8: 0},
# Ascii emoticon detector - ratio of non-word chars to all chars in word
'ascii_emoticon_non_char_to_all_chars_ratio': 0.7,
# Modifier value if asci detected (None to disable)
'ascii_emoticon_modifier_value': 1,
# Score reward for every word in sentence (None to disable)
'reward_long_sentence_value': 0.15,
# 'question_answer_diffrence_threshold': 0.7,
# 'question_answer_diffrence_sentence_len': 10,
# 'question_answer_diffrence_modifier': 'value', # 'multiplier'
# 'question_answer_diffrence_modifier_value': None,
# To be removed, doesnt really work as expected
# 'answer_subsentence_diffrence_threshold': 0.5,
# 'answer_subsentence_diffrence_sentence_len': 10,
# 'answer_subsentence_diffrence_modifier': 'multiplier', # 'value'
# 'answer_subsentence_diffrence_modifier_value': None,
'show_score_modifiers': False,
if preprocessing['use_bpe']:
preprocessing['embedded_detokenizer'] = True
hparams['subword_option'] = 'spm'
preprocessing['protected_phrases_file'] = preprocessing['protected_phrases_bpe_file'] if preprocessing['use_bpe'] else preprocessing['protected_phrases_standard_file']
if preprocessing['use_bpe']:
hparams['vocab_prefix'] += '.bpe'
hparams['train_prefix'] += '.bpe'
hparams['dev_prefix'] += '.bpe'
hparams['test_prefix'] += '.bpe'
if preprocessing['joined_vocab']:
hparams['share_vocab'] = True
if not score['use_scoring']:
score['bad_response_threshold'] = 0
[错误]:2019-04-03 14:47:19.235154:W tensorflow / core / framework / allocator.cc:124] 486429184的分配超过了系统内存的10%。
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