
时间:2019-04-03 03:16:11

标签: java



winningHand()方法比较字符并返回值(0,1,2)。 在我的displayRoundResults()方法中,我试图将winningHand()方法调用为displayRoundResults()方法,以便它可以从winningHand()中获取整数,然后添加到其中的一个玩家的得分取决于返回的值。


public class RockPaperScissors
    private final char _YES = 'Y';
    private final int _HIGH_BESTOF = 5;
    // ***********************************************************************

    // central method that holds the majority of the game's logic
    public void playGame()
        char player1, player2; //used to display the handshape from method
        int playToWins;
        int winningHand;
        int p1Score = 0;
        int p2Score = 0;
        int numberOfRounds; 

        while (true) //add loop so that it keeps going until user decides to end the game

        System.out.println("Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors..");
        //call playToWins Method to retrieve how many rounds will be played

        //will output different outcomes until winner has won x amount of times (the number retrieved from playToWins)
        for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfRounds; i++)
            player1 = chooseHandShape();
            player2 = chooseHandShape();

            //displays rock,paper, or scissor for each player
            System.out.println("P1: " + player1 + " P2: " + player2);

            //winningHand is called to compare the two values and then return an int (0,1,2)
            winningHand = winningHand(player1, player2);

            //displayRoundResult is called to calculate score for each round that is played
            displayRoundResult(p1Score, p2Score);
        //displayMatchResult here
        // majority of code should be here
        //scanner should be here

    // display round results
    private void displayRoundResult(int p1Score, int p2Score)
        int winningHand;
        //properly call winningHand method here

        if (winningHand == 1)
        if (winningHand == 2)
        //if winning equals ... then p1score goes up by 1 or p2score does

    // display match results
    private void displayMatchResult(int round, int p1Score, int p2Score)
        System.out.println("Player 1 has " + p1Score + " points & Player 2 has " + p2Score + " points"); 

    // get what will be the round goal score
    private int playToWins(Scanner scan)
        int numberOfRounds;

        System.out.println("Play round to? (Max is 5)");
        numberOfRounds = scan.nextInt();

        while (numberOfRounds > _HIGH_BESTOF)
            System.out.println("Please enter a value between 1 and 5, your last input was incorrect!");
            numberOfRounds = scan.nextInt();

        return numberOfRounds;

    // given two hands choose which one wins
    // possible values for either parameter are 'R','P' or 'S'
    // use the RPS rules to determine the winner
    // return 0 for tie, 1 for player 1 win or 2 for player 2 win
    private int winningHand(char player1, char player2)
        int winningHand;
        char R,P,S;

        if (player1 == (player2))
            winningHand = 0;

        //if player 1 wins
        if (player1 == R && player2 == S)
            winningHand =  1;
        if (player1 == S || player2 == P )
            winningHand = 1;
        if (player1 == P || player2 == R)
            winningHand = 1;

        //if player 2 wins
        if (player1 == S || player2 == R)
            winningHand = 2;
        if (player1 == P || player2 == S)
            winningHand = 2;
        if (player1 == R || player2 == P)
            winningHand = 2;

        return winningHand;


    // method that randomly chooses a hand shape
    // returns 'R' for rock, 'P' for paper and 'S' for scissors
    private char chooseHandShape()

        Random cChoice = new Random();
        Random pChoice = new Random();

        //0 = Scissors, 1 = Rock, 2 = Paper

        int cChoiceInt =  cChoice.nextInt(2);
        int pChoiceInt = pChoice.nextInt(2);

        //player 1 randomized
        char pChoice1;
        switch (pChoiceInt)
        case 0:
            pChoice1 = 'S';
        case 1:
            pChoice1 = 'R';
        case 2:
            pChoice1 = 'P';

        //player 2 randomized
        char cChoice1;
        switch (cChoiceInt)
        case 0:
            cChoice1 = 'S';
        case 1:
            cChoice1 = 'R';
        case 2:
            cChoice1 = 'P';

        return cChoice1;
        return pChoice1;

    // Yes/No response
    // Returns true if the user enters a 'y' or 'Y'
    private boolean yesResponse(Scanner scan)
        System.out.println("Would you like to play again? Yes(Y) or No(N)?");
        return scan.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0) == _YES;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



int thisRoundWinningHand = winningHand(player1Hand, player2Hand)




答案 1 :(得分:0)

除了Oliver Samson提到的有用的东西外,我还注意到displayRoundResult的问题。参数是原始int类型的,因此当您调用此方法时,值是通过值而不是通过引用传递的。语句p1Score ++;将不会获得预期的结果,因为它只会更新参数值,而不会更新原始的p1score。您可以做的是将p1score和p2score定义为类变量:

public class RockPaperScissors
    private final char _YES = 'Y';
    private final int _HIGH_BESTOF = 5;
    // ***********************************************************************
    int p1Score = 0;
    int p2Score = 0;

    // central method that holds the majority of the game's logic
    public void playGame()
        char player1, player2; //used to display the handshape from method
        int playToWins;
        int winningHand;
        int numberOfRounds; 
    // display round results
    private void displayRoundResult(int pWinningHand)
        if (pWinningHand== 1)
        if (pWinningHand== 2)
        //if winning equals ... then p1score goes up by 1 or p2score does

