
时间:2019-04-03 02:32:46

标签: protractor primeng



Walls = [(1,2),(1,5),(8,5),(8,3),(11,3),(11,1),(5,1),(5,3),(4,3),(4,1),(1,1),(1,2)]

Lights = [(2,4),(2,2),(5,4)]  # In red can only be turned on by one switch

Switches = [(4,4),(6,3),(6,2)] # In green can only turn on one light

graph = {}

residual = {}

def ccw(A,B,C):
    return (C[1]-A[1]) * (B[0]-A[0]) > (B[1]-A[1]) * (C[0]-A[0])
# Return true if line segments AB and CD intersect
# Source: http://bryceboe.com/2006/10/23/line-segment-intersection-algorithm/
def intersect(A,B,C,D):
    return ccw(A,C,D) != ccw(B,C,D) and ccw(A,B,C) != ccw(A,B,D)
def visible(pt1,pt2,Walls):
    x1,y1 = pt1
    x2,y2 = pt2
    for i,wall in enumerate(Walls[:-1]):
        x3,y3 = wall
        x4,y4 = Walls[i+1]
        if intersect((x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),(x4,y4)):
            return False
    return True

def edges(L,M):

    # Empty dictionary that will store the edges
    graph['End'] = []
    for i in range(0, len(L)):  # for all the switches stores them as the key
        graph[M[i]] = []
    for switch in range(0, len(M)):   # for all the switches check to see what lights are visible
        for light in range(0, len(M)):
            if visible(M[switch],L[light],Walls) == True:
                graph[M[switch]].append(L[light])    # If the lights are visible store them in a list as the value
    graph['start'] = []
    for switch in range(0, len(M)):   # Connects the start (sink) to the switches
    for light in range(0, len(L)):   # Connects each light to the End (sink)
        graph[L[light]] = ['End']
    return graph

def bfs_shortest_path(graphs, s, t): # from https://pythoninwonderland.wordpress.com/2017/03/18/how-to-implement-breadth-first-search-in-python/ Valerio Velardo
    # keep track of explored nodes

    global graph

    visited = []
    # keep track of all the paths to be checked
    queue = [[s]]

    # return path if start is goal
    if s == t:
        return "That was easy! Start = goal"

    # keeps looping until all possible paths have been checked
    while queue:
        # pop the first path from the queue
        path = queue.pop(0)
        # get the last node from the path
        node = path[-1]
        if node not in visited:
            newnode = graph[node]
            # go through all neighbour nodes, construct a new path and
            # push it into the queue
            for othernodes in newnode:
                newedgest = list(path)
                # return path if neighbour is goal
                if othernodes == t:
                    return newedgest, True

            # mark node as explored

    # in case there's no path between the 2 nodes
    return "So sorry, but a connecting path doesn't exist :(", False

def maxflow(graphs):
        # Path taken
        graph = edges(Lights, Switches)
        path, tf = bfs_shortest_path(graph,'start','End')

        while tf == True:

            # for all the nodes in the graph delete them so they cannot be travelled to
            for i in graph['start']:
                if i in path:
                    graph['start'].remove(i)  # Removes first node in graph aka Switch
                    print(graph,'switch removed')
            for newnode in graph[path[1]]:
                if newnode in path:
                    graph[path[1]].remove(newnode)  # Removes next node aka Light
                    print(graph, 'light removed')
            for othernode in graph[path[2]]:
                    if othernode in path:
                        print(graph, 'end removed')
                        residual = graph
            return residual, 'residual graph'


newgraph = {'End': [], (4, 4): [(2, 2), (5, 4)], (6, 3): [(2, 4), (5, 4)], (6, 2): [(5, 4)], 'start': [(6, 3), (6, 2)], (2, 4): [], (2, 2): ['End'], (5, 4): ['End']}

print(bfs_shortest_path(newgraph, 'start', 'End'))


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