我维护一个诊断,该诊断以编程方式确定MS Office应用程序的版本,包括Excel和Word。它已针对MS Office版本2003、2007、2010、2013和2016正常运行。但是现在我发现它错误地将MS Office 2019应用程序报告为MS Office 2016。
八年前,哈宁(M. A. Hanin)发表了一个类似的问题:
Identifying Excel version programmatically
mathieu的答复(被接受的答复)与用于在注册表中标识MS Office的产品编号相关联。例如,数字14.0对应于Office2010。DougGlancy用打印出Excel Application对象的version属性的VB代码直接解决了这个问题:
On Error Resume Next
Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Excel is not installed"
Wscript.Echo "Excel Version: " & excelApp.Version
End If
该诊断程序忠实地报告了与2011年以来的帖子一致的MS Office版本。此后,它报告了Office 2013的15.0和Office 2016的16.0。但是,最近,我很惊讶地发现它还报告了Office 2019的16.0那是不对的! 2016年和2019年的功能集明显不同,因此不应将它们组合在一起:
是否存在另一种以编程方式区分Office 2016与Office 2019的方法?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
一种解决方法是从使用/ dstatus选项运行的MS Office客户端软件许可证管理工具OSPP.VBS的输出中解析版本号。这是一个示例CMD脚本,演示了解决方法:
:: GetOfficeVer.cmd - Print the version of a licensed MS Office package.
:: Prerequisite:
:: Copy this cmd script to a folder including these MS Office files:
:: * OSPP.VBS - MS Office Software Protection Platform script.
:: * OSPP.HTM - Help file for OSPP.VBS.
:: * SLERROR.XML - Data file for OSPP.VBS.
:: Syntax:
:: GetOfficeVer [ComputerName[ PackageAbbr]]
:: ComputerName - Windows system name (defaults to local system)
:: PackageAbbr - Package abbreviation (list below is not exhaustive)
:: * ProPlus - Office Professional Plus (default)
:: * VisioPro - Visio Professional
:: * InfoPath - InfoPath Designer
:: Return Values:
:: * If the package is licensed, print the MS Office package version
:: string using the MS Office Application.Version property format.
:: * If the package is unlicensed, print an empty line.
@echo off
if %2_==_ (set MSO_PKG=ProPlus) else (set MSO_PKG=%2)
set "MSO_PKG_LIC=cscript "%~dp0\OSPP.VBS" /dstatus %1 | findstr /R /C:"^LICENSE NAME:.*%MSO_PKG%""
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=, " %%G in ('!MSO_PKG_LIC!') do (set MSO_VER=%%J)
if %MSO_VER%_==_ (echo.) else ( echo %MSO_VER%.0)
- 执行可能需要几秒钟。
- 它包含在Application.Path属性中存储的文件夹中。
- 不需要将MS Office安装到运行它的系统上。
- 为此,它不需要以高架运行。
- 如果目标系统需要重新启动,它将失败。
- 具有2013年,2016年和2019年版本的版本分别适用于所有三个版本。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
set vbs="%temp%\_.vbs"
if exist %vbs% del /f /q %vbs%
>%vbs% @echo off
>>%vbs% echo Option Explicit ' Enforce variable declaration
>>%vbs% echo Dim oShell
>>%vbs% echo Dim lOfficeVersion
>>%vbs% echo Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
>>%vbs% echo On Error Resume Next
>>%vbs% echo lOfficeVersion = GetOfficeVersionNumber()
>>%vbs% echo MsgBox "OfficeVersion = " ^& lOfficeVersion
>>%vbs% echo Function GetOfficeVersionNumber()
>>%vbs% echo GetOfficeVersionNumber = ""
>>%vbs% echo Dim sTempValue
>>%vbs% echo sTempValue = oShell.RegRead("HKCR\Excel.Application\CurVer\")
>>%vbs% echo If Len(sTempValue) ^> 2 Then GetOfficeVersionNumber = Replace(Right(sTempValue, 2), ^".^", ^"^")
>>%vbs% echo End Function
cscript //nologo %vbs%
if exist %vbs% del /f /q %vbs%
goto :EOF
答案 2 :(得分:0)
是获取我们需要区分Office 2016、2019和365的信息的最明智的方法。
代替执行cscript OSPP.VBS /dstatus
// Implementation is based on the OSPP.VBS file in the Office directory,
// when it executes the /dstatus command...
// result examples:
// - Office 16, Office16StandardVL_MAK edition
// - Office 19, Office19Standard2019VL_KMS_Client_AE edition
// - Office 16, Office16O365ProPlusR_Subscription1 edition
// - Office 15, OfficeStandardVL_MAK edition
// This constant is apparently the same for all Office versions:
const string officeAppId = "0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663";
// Note: OSPP.VBS uses == instead of <= but it seems wrong...
string productClass;
if (Environment.OSVersion.Version <= new Version(6, 1)) // Windows 7 or below
productClass = "OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct";
productClass = "SoftwareLicensingProduct";
// Get the product name for all Office products having a product key:
var query = $"SELECT Name FROM {productClass} where "
+ $"ApplicationID=\"{officeAppId}\" AND PartialProductKey <> NULL AND PartialProductKey <> \"\"";
using (var searcher = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(query))
var result = new List<string>();
foreach (var instance in searcher.Get())
result.Add(instance.Properties["Name"].Value?.ToString() ?? "Null");
// result now contains a list of license names with the same format as `cscript OSPP.VBS /dstatus`
答案 3 :(得分:-1)
您可以尝试解析excelApp.Path来找出安装路径。 如果在C:* \ Office 19 \ Excel.exe