<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StructureDefinition xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
<url value="http://example.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MyPatient" />
<name value="MyPatient" />
<status value="draft" />
<fhirVersion value="3.0.1" />
<kind value="resource" />
<abstract value="false" />
<type value="Patient" />
<baseDefinition value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient" />
<derivation value="constraint" />
<element id="Patient.identifier.type">
<path value="Patient.identifier.type" />
<short value="Description of identifier
YY" />
<definition value="A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.
YY1" />
<element id="Patient.identifier.type.coding">
<path value="Patient.identifier.type.coding" />
<short value="Code defined by a terminology system
XX" />
<definition value="A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
XX2" />
<element id="Patient.maritalStatus.coding">
<path value="Patient.maritalStatus.coding" />
<short value="Code defined by a terminology system
XX" />
<definition value="A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
XX1" />
<element id="Patient.contact.relationship.coding">
<path value="Patient.contact.relationship.coding" />
<short value="Code defined by a terminology system
XX" />
<definition value="A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
XX1" />
<element id="Patient.contact.organization.identifier.type.coding">
<path value="Patient.contact.organization.identifier.type.coding" />
<short value="Code defined by a terminology system
XX" />
<definition value="A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
XX1" />
如上所示,有些地方我想用一些文本替换为XX(短值)或XX1(定义值)。此外,标有XX的位置均位于名称以“ .coding”结尾的某个元素的“短值”之下,而XX1均位于“定义值”(其为“差分”元素的所有子元素)下。我还不太清楚如何组织它,到目前为止,我的工作如下:
from xml.dom.minidom import parse # use minidom for this task
dom = parse('C:/Users/Joon/Documents/FHIR/MyPatient.StructureDefinition.xml') #read in your file
replace1 = "replacement text" #set replace value
replace2 = "replacement text2" #set replace value2
res = dom.getElementsByTagName('*.coding') #iterate over tags
for element in res:
element.setAttribute('short value', replace1)
element.setAttribute('definition value', replace2)
with open('MyPatientUpdated.StructureDefinition.xml', 'w', encoding='UTF8') as f:
f.write(dom.toxml()) #update the dom, save as new xml file
我无法获得循环以打印“ true”,因为“ res”是一个空列表。非常感谢您的帮助,在此先感谢您!