
时间:2019-03-31 07:54:22

标签: html css google-chrome firefox safari

这是我的应用的控制卡。它可以在chrome和Firefox上正常运行,但在苹果的safari浏览器上,背景卡(通过单击botton按钮)将前卡中的所有元素重叠在背景上。我尝试了很多事情,但无法获得任何解决方案。任何帮助将不胜感激。 Look in Safari

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/* Demo No 1 */
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/*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- */
/* Column Grids */
/*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- */

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/* Column Grids End */

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height: 35px;
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/* Hover state */

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backface-visibility: hidden;



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	 <div class="desc">
					<p> Raksha Bandhan 2018 We Provide Way to Send #Rakhi to your brother with love #rakhi2018</p>  

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    <div class="flipBtn demo1">
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      <div class="flipBtn_face flipBtn_mid demo1"></div>
      <div class="flipBtn_face flipBtn_front demo1"><img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1014764745965035520/4Ii-hX40_normal.jpg" class="avatar"></div>


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			<div class="follow"> <div class="icon-twitter"></div> @online_rakhis</div>
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                <img src="http://app.btweeps.com/tweet/data/1500x500" alt="background" class="bg" width="320">

	 <div class="desc">
					<p> Remain Actions:  0</p>

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    <div class="flipBtn demo1">
      <div class="flipBtn_face flipBtn_back demo1"><img src="http://app.btweeps.com/tweet/data/MANUAL.png" class="avatarback"></div>
      <div class="flipBtn_face flipBtn_mid demo1"></div>
      <div class="flipBtn_face flipBtn_front demo1"><img src="http://app.btweeps.com/tweet/data/AUTOMATED.png" class="avatar"></div>



<img src="http://app.btweeps.com//tweet/data/Flip.png" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Click Here" class="material-icons rotate" onclick="letsrotate(&quot;1010852919623610368&quot;,&quot;0deg&quot;)" style="width: 40px;">

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			<div class="data">
				 <div><div class="switch tg" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Click There" style="position: relative;top: 0px;left: 16px;">
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						<div> <div class="switch tg" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Click There" style="position: relative;top: 0px;left: 16px;">
  <input id="2AD1010852919623610368USFAC" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round" type="checkbox" onclick="sendaction(this)" disabled="">
  <label for="2AD1010852919623610368USFAC" style="cursor: not-allowed" ;="" id=" 2AD1010852919623610368USFACL"></label>
						<span>Follow Back</span>
					       <div><div class="switch tg" style="position: relative;top: 0px;left: 16px;">
  <input id="2AD1010852919623610368USTAC" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round" type="checkbox" onclick="sendaction(this)" checked="" disabled="" ;="">
  <label for="2AD1010852919623610368USTAC" style="cursor: not-allowed" ;="" id="2AD1010852919623610368USTACL"></label>

			<div class="follow" style="position: relative;left: -23px;"> <div class="icon-twitter"></div> <label class="targetlabel" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Double-click and Enter your Targeted Username here (without @ Sign)." id="2AD1010852919623610368USTTAC" ondblclick="convert(this) " onchange="save(this,this.id)" onfocusout="reconvert(this)"><p>Btweeps</p></label>

				<div id="2AD1010852919623610368USTAAAC" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Click There" class="wrapper-dropdown-3" tabindex="1" onclick="happy(this)" onblur="unhappy(this.id)" style="top: -35px;left: 90px;">
						<span>  </span>
						<ul class="dropdown">
							<li><a href="#" onclick="sendaction(this);" id="2AD1010852919623610368USTAIAC">Followers</a></li>
							<li><a href="#" onclick="sendaction(this);" id="2AD1010852919623610368USTAOAC">Following</a></li>

	    		<div class="mainlock" style="position: relative;top: -25px;left: 130px; z-index: -1; "><img src="http://app.btweeps.com//tweet/data/Locked.png" style="width: 65px;"></div>



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