这是我第一次进行Dynamics GP集成,因此我需要一些帮助。我可以通过调用本地Web服务从C#成功创建发票。但是,我在Dynamics GP中看不到此发票。我尝试按客户ID,日期等进行查找。就C#调用而言,它成功执行,没有任何错误。当我在Fiddler中观看呼叫时,所有呼叫也都具有HTTP 200响应。
我尝试了其他“创建”调用,例如创建供应商,并且可以在Dynamics GP UI中看到。
SalesInvoice salesInvoice;
SalesInvoiceLine salesInvoiceLine;
Policy salesInvoiceCreatePolicy;
// Create an instance of the service
DynamicsGPClient wsDynamicsGP = new DynamicsGPClient();
// Create a context with which to call the service
var context = new Context
// Specify which company to use (sample company)
// Set up the context object
OrganizationKey = new CompanyKey
Id = 3
// Create a sales invoice object
salesInvoice = new SalesInvoice
// Create a sales document type key for the sales invoice
// Populate the document type key for the sales invoice
DocumentTypeKey = new SalesDocumentTypeKey
Type = SalesDocumentType.Invoice
// Create a customer key
// Set the customer key property of the sales invoice
CustomerKey = new CustomerKey
Id = "1561"
// Create a sales invoice line to specify the invoiced item
salesInvoiceLine = new SalesInvoiceLine
// Create an item key
// Set the item key property of the sales invoice line object
ItemKey = new ItemKey
Id = "10"
// Create a sales invoice quatity object
// Set the quantity of the sales invoice line object
Quantity = new Quantity
Value = 15
UofM = "EA",
// Create an array of sales invoice lines
// Initialize the array with the sales invoice line object
SalesInvoiceLine[] invoiceLines = { salesInvoiceLine };
// Add the sales invoice line array to the sales line object
salesInvoice.Lines = invoiceLines;
// Get the create policy for the sales invoice object
salesInvoiceCreatePolicy = wsDynamicsGP.GetPolicyByOperation("CreateSalesInvoice", context);
// Create the sales invoice
wsDynamicsGP.CreateSalesInvoice(salesInvoice, context, salesInvoiceCreatePolicy);
// Close the service
if (wsDynamicsGP.State != CommunicationState.Faulted)
我在做什么错?如何从Dynamics GP UI看到此发票?