Ardulink 2无法使用Serial.print

时间:2019-03-29 05:09:10

标签: arduino-uno ardulink

我已经启动ardulink mqtt来收听arduino uno的模拟引脚1 按照以下步骤在Windows 10上使用mosquitto mqtt代理1.5.8运行 C:\ Java \ jdk1.8.0_201 \ bin \ java -jar ardulink-mqtt-2.1.0.jar -a 1-连接“ ardulink:// serial-jssc?port = COM3&pingprobe = false”-独立

尽管我通过home / devices / ardulink / A1 / value / get订阅了主题,但我仍未得到任何答复。


在Arduino串行监视器上,我确实看到Serial.print的所有输出,表明该草图实际上已完全上传到Arduino uno。


int sensorValue;
// variable to calibrate low value
int sensorLow = 1023;
// variable to calibrate high value
int sensorHigh = 0;

void setup() {


  // calibrate for the first five seconds after program runs
  while (millis() < 5000) {
    // record the maximum sensor value
    sensorValue = analogRead(A1);
    if (sensorValue > sensorHigh) {
      sensorHigh = sensorValue;
    // record the minimum sensor value
    if (sensorValue < sensorLow) {
      sensorLow = sensorValue;


void loop() {
  //read the input from A1 and store it in a variable
  sensorValue = analogRead(A1);

  // wait for a moment

Ardulink Mqtt日志

C:\ardulink\lib>C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_162\bin\java -jar ardulink-mqtt-2.1.0.jar -a 1 -d 13 -connection "ardulink://serial-jss
c?port=COM4&pingprobe=false" -clientId ardulink
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/C:/ardulink/lib/slf4j-jdk14-1.7.12.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/C:/ardulink/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: See for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.JDK14LoggerFactory]
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:04 PM org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext start
INFO: Apache Camel 2.17.1 (CamelContext: camel-1) is starting
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:04 PM doStart
INFO: JMX is enabled
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:04 PM org.apache.camel.impl.converter.DefaultTypeConverter doStart
INFO: Loaded 182 type converters
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:04 PM org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultRuntimeEndpointRegistry doStart
INFO: Runtime endpoint registry is in extended mode gathering usage statistics of all incoming and outgoing endpoints (c
ache limit: 1000)
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:14 PM org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink startListening
INFO: Starting listening on pin ANALOG 1
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:14 PM org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink startListening
INFO: Starting listening on pin DIGITAL 13
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:14 PM org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultComponent preProcessUri
WARNING: Supplied URI 'mqtt:mqttMain?host=tcp://localhost:1883&subscribeTopicNames=home/devices/ardulink/#&connectAttemp
tsMax=1&reconnectAttemptsMax=0' contains unsafe characters, please check encoding
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:15 PM org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext doStartCamel
INFO: AllowUseOriginalMessage is enabled. If access to the original message is not needed, then its recommended to turn
this option off as it may improve performance.
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:15 PM org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext doStartCamel
INFO: StreamCaching is not in use. If using streams then its recommended to enable stream caching. See more details at h
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:15 PM org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor doStart
INFO: Defaulting to MemoryAggregationRepository
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:15 PM org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregateProcessor doStart
INFO: Using CompletionInterval to run every 250 millis.
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:15 PM org.apache.camel.component.mqtt.MQTTEndpoint connect
INFO: Connecting to tcp://localhost:1883 using 10 seconds timeout
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:15 PM org.apache.camel.component.mqtt.MQTTEndpoint$2 onConnected
INFO: MQTT Connection connected to tcp://localhost:1883
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:15 PM org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext doStartOrResumeRouteConsumers
INFO: Route: route1 started and consuming from: Endpoint[ardulink://serial-jssc?listenTo=A1%2CD13&pingprobe=false&port=C
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:15 PM org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext doStartOrResumeRouteConsumers
INFO: Route: route2 started and consuming from: Endpoint[direct://endOfAnalogAggregation]
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:15 PM org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext doStartOrResumeRouteConsumers
INFO: Route: route3 started and consuming from: Endpoint[mqtt:mqttMain?host=tcp://localhost:1883&subscribeTopicNames=hom
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:15 PM org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext start
INFO: Total 3 routes, of which 3 are started.
Apr 01, 2019 2:44:15 PM org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext start
INFO: Apache Camel 2.17.1 (CamelContext: camel-1) started in 10.898 seconds

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

似乎您没有将Ardulink草图刷新到Arduino,而是自写的东西(它不会通过串行链接发送任何消息)。刷新Ardulink草图并再次启动java mqtt客户端后,一切都应正常工作。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


int sensorValue;
// variable to calibrate low value
int sensorLow = 1023;
// variable to calibrate high value
int sensorHigh = 0;
// LED pin
const int ledPin = 13;
String inputString = "";         // a string to hold incoming data (this is general code you can reuse)
boolean stringComplete = false;  // whether the string is complete (this is general code you can reuse)
void setup() {
  // Make the LED pin an output and turn it on

  Serial.print('\n'); // End of Message

  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);

  // calibrate for the first five seconds after program runs

  while (millis() < 5000) {
    // record the maximum sensor value
    sensorValue = analogRead(A1);
    if (sensorValue > sensorHigh) {
      sensorHigh = sensorValue;
  // record the minimum sensor value
    if (sensorValue < sensorLow) {
      sensorLow = sensorValue;

  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

void loop() {
  //read the input from A1 and store it in a variable
  sensorValue = analogRead(A1);

  if (stringComplete==true){

   if(inputString.startsWith("alp://")) {
         boolean msgRecognized = true;
         if (inputString.substring(6,10)=="ared"){
                digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);


           msgRecognized = false; 

 // Prepare reply message if caller supply a message id (this is general code you can reuse)
      int idPosition = inputString.indexOf("?id=");
      if(idPosition != -1) {
        String id = inputString.substring(idPosition + 4);
        // print the reply
        if(msgRecognized) { // this sketch doesn't know other messages in this case command is ko (not ok)
        } else {
        Serial.print('\n'); // End of Message


// clear the string:
   inputString = "";
   stringComplete = false;

if (sensorValue>0){

        Serial.print('\n'); // End of Message




void serialEvent() {

  while (Serial.available()>0&&!stringComplete==true) {

    // get the new byte:
    char inChar = (char);
    // add it to the inputString:
    inputString += inChar;

    // if the incoming character is a newline, set a flag
    // so the main loop can do something about it:
    if (inChar == '\n') {
      stringComplete = true;