
时间:2019-03-29 02:20:38

标签: mysql xml

以任何方式我们可以使用从数据库中提取的值来解析/替换标签/属性的值? 我在想类似的东西 $ sql =“从-- Main call import_from_abb_csv (a_rest_request: REST_REQUEST): detachable like items do Result := import_from_csv_impl (a_rest_request, agent impl_for_each_csv_line_import_from_abb_csv) end -- Second call import_from_csv_impl (a_rest_request: REST_REQUEST; a_procedure: PROCEDURE[DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_8], INTEGER_64, STRING]): detachable like items local l_csv_handler: UT_CSV_HANDLER l_is: KL_STRING_INPUT_STREAM l_measuring_point_id: INTEGER_64 l_s: STRING l_partially_closed: PROCEDURE[DS_ARRAYED_LIST[STRING]] do l_s := "whatever" l_measuring_point_id := 12 create l_csv_handler.make_with_separator (',') l_partially_closed := agent (i_al: DS_ARRAYED_LIST[STRING]; ia_measuring_point_id: INTEGER_64; ia_name: STRING; ia_procedure: PROCEDURE[DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_8], INTEGER_64, STRING]) -- HERE, change the declared type of `ia_procedure' to match `a_procedure' do ia_procedure.call (i_al, ia_measuring_point_id, ia_name) -- HERE, add `i_al' to `call' end (?, l_measuring_point_id, l_s, a_procedure) -- HERE, add `a_procedure' l_csv_handler.read_file (l_is, l_partially_closed) end -- end call impl_for_each_csv_line_import_from_abb_csv (a_csv_line: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_8]; a_measuring_point_id: INTEGER_64; l_cu_name: STRING) do -- do_my_business end -- for information signature of read_file is: -- read_file (a_file: KI_TEXT_INPUT_STREAM; a_action: PROCEDURE [DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]]) WHERE id = \'1 \'中选择模型”; 然后使用$ sql的值替换XML中的$ data_to_be_replaced



所以我正在寻找的是将$ data_to_be_replaced替换为我从数据库中提取的值。谢谢

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