#Ncea Calculator
user_input_achieved = input("How many NCEA acheived credits do you have: ")
total_achieved_credits = int(user_input_achieved)
user_input_merit = input("How many NCEA merit credits do you have: ")
total_merit_credits = int(user_input_merit)
user_input_excellence = input("How many NCEA excellence credits do you have: ")
total_excellence_credits = int(user_input_excellence)
excellence_endorsement_applies = False
if total_excellence_credits >= EXCELLENCE_THRESHOLD:
excellence_endorsement_applies = True
merit_endorsement_applies = False
if total_merit_credits + total_excellence_credits >= MERIT_THRESHOLD:
merit_endorsement_applies = True
print('You have a total of', total_achieved_credits + total_merit_credits + total_excellence_credits ,'NCEA credits')
if excellence_endorsement_applies == True:
print("You also got an overall excellence endorsment, well done!")
if merit_endorsement_applies == True and excellence_endorsement_applies == False:
print("You got an overall merit endorsment, well done but theres still room for improvement!")
total_credits_this_year = total_achieved_credits + total_merit_credits + total_excellence_credits
if total_credits_this_year >= int(80):
print("You passed Ncea Level 1!")
if total_credits_this_year < int(79):
print("You failed Ncea Level 1, come on man!")
rank_score_achieved = int(user_input_achieved) * int(2)
rank_score_merit = int(user_input_merit) * int(3)
rank_score_excellence = int(user_input_excellence) * int(4)
total_rank_score = rank_score_achieved + rank_score_merit + rank_score_excellence
print ('your total rank score is', total_rank_score)
因此,如果用户写了: 获得多少学分:20 功绩学分:30 多少个卓越学分:50