
时间:2019-03-28 18:28:21

标签: batch-file conditional


如果Sigcheck指出exe的MachineType是32位GOTO ...

如果Sigcheck指出exe的MachineType是64位GOTO ...


 c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\office16\MSACCESS.EXE:
    Verified:       Signed
    Signing date:   9:51 AM 1/23/2019
    Publisher:      Microsoft Corporation
    Company:        Microsoft Corporation
    Description:    Microsoft Access
    Product:        Microsoft Office 2016
    Prod version:   16.0.4813.1000
    File version:   16.0.4813.1000
    MachineType:    32-bit


This is the output I am receiving




@echo off
sigcheck.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE"


Set TestPath=%1
for /F "delims=" %%l in ('sigcheck %TestPath%^|findstr MachineType') do set ArchLine=%%l

if not "%ArchLine%"=="%ArchLine:64=%" echo The file is 64bit
if not "%ArchLine%"=="%ArchLine:32=%" echo The file is 32bit




@echo off

sigcheck.exe "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\root\office16\MSACCESS.EXE"

Set TestPath=%1

:: See if sigcheck is in the path
where sigcheck.exe 2>NUL 1>NUL
if not "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" echo sigcheck.exe is not in your path && PAUSE

:: Make sure the file exists
if not exist "%TestPath%" echo %TestPath% does not exist && PAUSE

for /F "delims=" %%l in ('sigcheck %TestPath%^|findstr MachineType') do set ArchLine=%%l

if not "%ArchLine%"=="%ArchLine:n/a=%" echo Not an executable file && PAUSE
if not "%ArchLine%"=="%ArchLine:64=%" echo 64bit
if not "%ArchLine%"=="%ArchLine:32=%" echo 32bit


Sigcheck v2.72 - File version and signature viewer Copyright (C)
2004-2019 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\root\office16\MSACCESS.EXE:

    Verified:       Signed
    Signing date:   6:18 AM 3/6/2019
    Publisher:      Microsoft Corporation
    Company:        Microsoft Corporation
    Description:    Microsoft Access
    Product:        Microsoft Office
    Prod version:   16.0.11328.20158
    File version:   16.0.11328.20158
    MachineType:    32-bit  does not exist Press any key to continue . . .

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这应该有效。 我已经删除了东西供您查找。

@echo off

:: Assign the first parameter passed to this batch file to the 
:: following variable.  This batch NEEDs something to look up.
Set PEBinaryPath=%~1

:: Make sure the caller passed at least one command line parameter.
if "%PEBinaryPath%"=="" (
    echo %~nx0 requires one parameter.  
    echo This parameter is the path to a PE binary to check for compiled architecture.
    echo Ie. %~nx0 "%windir%\Sytem32\notepad.exe"
    goto :EOF

:: See if sigcheck is in the path
where sigcheck.exe 2>NUL 1>NUL
if not "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" echo sigcheck.exe is not in your path&& goto :EOF

:: Make sure the file exists
if not exist "%PEBinaryPath%" echo %PEBinaryPath% does not exist&& goto :EOF

:: Take the output from sigcheck, parse it and put it into a variable called MachineTypeLine
for /F "delims=" %%l in ('sigcheck "%PEBinaryPath%"^|findstr MachineType') do set MachineTypeLine=%%l

:: See if the line contains "n/a", 64, or 32
if not "%MachineTypeLine%"=="%MachineTypeLine:n/a=%" echo Not a PE format binary file&& goto :EOF
if not "%MachineTypeLine%"=="%MachineTypeLine:64=%"  echo 64bit
if not "%MachineTypeLine%"=="%MachineTypeLine:32=%"  echo 32bit


  test.bat requires one parameter.
  This parameter is the path to a PE binary to check for compiled architecture.
  Ie. test.bat "C:\WINDOWS\Sytem32\notepad.exe"

  C:\>test.bat c:\windows\system.ini
  Not an executable file

  C:\>test.bat c:\bobs\yeruncle.exe
  c:\bobs\yeruncle.exe does not exist

  C:\>test.bat c:\windows\System32\notepad.exe

  C:\>test.bat c:\windows\SysWOW64\notepad.exe


  • 对于/ F ,它运行命令并将发现的内容放入变量中。

  • / F命令运行为 sigcheck ,但我将结果通过管道传送到 findstr 对我来说大部分解析。我们没有这样做,但是可以确定 很多 更容易,因为它只给我返回包含单词“ MachineType

  • 结果变量( ArchLine )看起来像(包括空格)

    MachineType:    64-bit
  • 然后我使用字符串替换来告诉我要查找的内容是否在字符串中。这是一种破解,但可以。我将“ 64”替换为NOTHING并将其与原始字符串进行比较。如果字符串相同,则其中没有64个字符!
