我正在与用户窗体一起在表“ t_database”中添加数据。对于每个复选框= true,添加一个ROW。 当我添加一些数据时,出现“运行时错误'9'下标超出范围。.
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdAddproject_Click()
Dim chkCnt As Integer
Dim ctl As MSForms.Control, i As Integer, lr As Long
Dim cb As MSForms.CheckBox
With Me
chkCnt = .Tool1.Value + .Tool2.Value + .Tool3.Value + .Tool4.Value + .Tool5.Value + .Tool6.Value + .Tool7.Value + .Tool8.Value + .Tool9.Value + .Tool10.Value + .Tool11.Value + .Tool12.Value + .Tool13.Value + .Tool14.Value + .Tool15.Value + .Tool16.Value + .Tool7.Value + .Tool18.Value + .Tool19.Value + .Tool20.Value + .Tool21.Value + .Tool22.Value + .Tool23.Value + .Tool24.Value + .Tool25.Value + .Tool26.Value + .Tool27.Value + .Tool28.Value + .Tool29.Value + .Tool30.Value
chkCnt = Abs(chkCnt)
If chkCnt <> 0 Then
ReDim mval(1 To chkCnt, 1 To 17)
i = 1
For Each ctl In .Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
Set cb = ctl
If cb Then
mval(i, 1) = .txtProyecto.Value
mval(i, 2) = .txtAno.Value
mval(i, 3) = .txtEmpresa.Value
mval(i, 4) = .SectorEmpresa.Value
mval(i, 5) = .TipoEmpresa.Value
mval(i, 6) = .txtDireccion.Value
mval(i, 7) = .txtCiudad.Value
mval(i, 8) = .txtCodigoPostal.Value
mval(i, 9) = .txtPais.Value
mval(i, 10) = .txtDescripcion.Value
mval(i, 11) = .txtIndicador1.Value
mval(i, 12) = .metrica1.Value
mval(i, 13) = .txtIndicador2.Value
mval(i, 14) = .metrica2.Value
mval(i, 15) = cb.Caption
mval(i, 16) = .txtAhorrosPrevistos.Value
mval(i, 17) = .txtAhorrosObtenidos.Value
i = i + 1
End If
End If
End If
End With
With Sheets("Database")
lr = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
.Range("A" & lr).Resize(UBound(mval, 1), 17) = mval
End With
End Sub