我将如何从FCFS转换为Round Robin?

时间:2019-03-28 04:53:02

标签: java linked-list operating-system round-robin

据我所知,FCFS和Round Robin的唯一区别在于以下事实:一个使用“时间片”,因此一个进程每次运行时间只能使用该时间量。


import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.LinkedList;

public class Fcfs extends Scheduler {

  private Queue<Process> readyQueue;

  public Fcfs() {
    readyQueue = new LinkedList<Process>();

  //adds a process to the ready queue
  public void ready(Process process, boolean finTimeQuantum) {

  //removes the next process to be run from the ready queue and returns it
  public Process schedule() {
    System.out.println("Scheduler selects process "+readyQueue.peek());
    return readyQueue.poll();


public class Rr extends Scheduler {
    private Queue<Process> readyQueue;
    private final int quantum; //this is the slicer
    private int i; //assuming I need a counter

    public Rr() {
        readyQueue = new LinkedList<Process>();
        quantum = super.getTimeQuantum();

    //Process process gives you process with parameters
    //boolean finTimeQuantum is true if process is being moved to ready after having fully its quantum.
    public void ready(Process process, boolean finTimeQuantum) {
        //though now I've no idea what to do?


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