我正在使用https://github.com/finklabs/jupyter-athena-sql从Jupyter Lab查询Athena。我需要将多行查询的结果存储在变量中。我可以对单行查询执行以下操作:
$ cat t10.py
import numpy as np
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pycuda.driver as cuda
from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
import pycuda.autoinit
# kernel
kernel = SourceModule("""
__device__ unsigned getoff(unsigned &off){
unsigned ret = off & 0x0F;
off = off >> 4;
return ret;
const int block_size = 256;
const unsigned tmsk = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// in-place is acceptable i.e. out == in)
// T = float or double only
typedef double T; // *** change this typedef to convert between float and double
__global__ void inv4x4(const T * __restrict__ in, T * __restrict__ out, const size_t n, const unsigned * __restrict__ pat){
__shared__ T si[block_size];
size_t idx = threadIdx.x+blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
if (idx < n*16){
si[threadIdx.x] = in[idx];
unsigned lane = threadIdx.x & 15;
unsigned sibase = threadIdx.x & 0x03F0;
unsigned off = pat[lane];
T a,b;
a = si[sibase + getoff(off)];
a *= si[sibase + getoff(off)];
a *= si[sibase + getoff(off)];
if (!getoff(off)) a = -a;
b = si[sibase + getoff(off)];
b *= si[sibase + getoff(off)];
b *= si[sibase + getoff(off)];
if (getoff(off)) a += b;
else a -=b;
off = pat[lane+16];
b = si[sibase + getoff(off)];
b *= si[sibase + getoff(off)];
b *= si[sibase + getoff(off)];
if (getoff(off)) a += b;
else a -=b;
b = si[sibase + getoff(off)];
b *= si[sibase + getoff(off)];
b *= si[sibase + getoff(off)];
if (getoff(off)) a += b;
else a -=b;
off = pat[lane+32];
b = si[sibase + getoff(off)];
b *= si[sibase + getoff(off)];
b *= si[sibase + getoff(off)];
if (getoff(off)) a += b;
else a -=b;
b = si[sibase + getoff(off)];
b *= si[sibase + getoff(off)];
b *= si[sibase + getoff(off)];
if (getoff(off)) a += b;
else a -=b;
T det = si[sibase + (lane>>2)]*a;
det += __shfl_down_sync(tmsk, det, 4, 16); // first add
det += __shfl_down_sync(tmsk, det, 8, 16); // second add
det = __shfl_sync(tmsk, det, 0, 16); // broadcast
out[idx] = a / det;
# host code
def gpuinv4x4(inp, n):
# internal constants not to be modified
hpat = ( 0x0EB51FA5, 0x1EB10FA1, 0x0E711F61, 0x1A710B61, 0x1EB40FA4, 0x0EB01FA0, 0x1E700F60, 0x0A701B60, 0x0DB41F94, 0x1DB00F90, 0x0D701F50, 0x19700B50, 0x1DA40E94, 0x0DA01E90, 0x1D600E50, 0x09601A50, 0x1E790F69, 0x0E391F29, 0x1E350F25, 0x0A351B25, 0x0E781F68, 0x1E380F28, 0x0E341F24, 0x1A340B24, 0x1D780F58, 0x0D381F18, 0x1D340F14, 0x09341B14, 0x0D681E58, 0x1D280E18, 0x0D241E14, 0x19240A14, 0x0A7D1B6D, 0x1A3D0B2D, 0x063D172D, 0x16390729, 0x1A7C0B6C, 0x0A3C1B2C, 0x163C072C, 0x06381728, 0x097C1B5C, 0x193C0B1C, 0x053C171C, 0x15380718, 0x196C0A5C, 0x092C1A1C, 0x152C061C, 0x05281618)
# Convert parameters into numpy array
# *** change next line between float32 and float64 to match float or double
inpd = np.array(inp, dtype=np.float64)
hpatd = np.array(hpat, dtype=np.uint32)
# *** change next line between float32 and float64 to match float or double
output = np.empty((n*16), dtype= np.float64)
# Get kernel function
matinv4x4 = kernel.get_function("inv4x4")
# Define block, grid and compute
blockDim = (256,1,1) # do not change
gridDim = ((n/16)+1,1,1)
# Kernel function
matinv4x4 (
cuda.In(inpd), cuda.Out(output), np.uint64(n), cuda.In(hpatd),
block=blockDim, grid=gridDim)
return output
inp = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.120771107884677649e+09, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.557266600921528288e+27, 3.557266600921528041e+07, 3.557266600921528320e+17, 0.0, 3.557266600921528041e+07, 3.557266600921528288e+27, 3.557266600921528041e+07, 0.0, 3.557266600921528320e+17, 3.557266600921528041e+07, 1.778633300460764144e+27)
n = 2
result = gpuinv4x4(inp, n)
$ python t10.py
[ -3.00000000e+00 -5.00000000e-01 1.50000000e+00 1.00000000e+00
1.00000000e+00 2.50000000e-01 -2.50000000e-01 -5.00000000e-01
3.00000000e+00 2.50000000e-01 -1.25000000e+00 -5.00000000e-01
-3.00000000e+00 -0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00
4.71526605e-10 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
0.00000000e+00 2.81114719e-28 -2.81114719e-48 -5.62229437e-38
0.00000000e+00 -2.81114719e-48 2.81114719e-28 -5.62229437e-48
0.00000000e+00 -5.62229437e-38 -5.62229437e-48 5.62229437e-28]
In the implementation of the Athena extension我可以看到它正在返回一个数据帧,我想知道Jupyter Lab中是否有一个绑定到它的标准变量?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
athena = get_ipython().find_cell_magic('athena')
df = athena("""select col1, count(*)
from my_table
group by col1""")