我正在为扫描仪驱动程序。除了本手册中的PDF以外,还使用本地C ++编写了提供程序提供的dll和头文件(没有源代码)。需要在C#项目中使用它,但是我在结构上遇到了问题(尝试读取或发送它们)。
我按照.h文件中提供的模板声明了所有结构,并导入了该方法。当我尝试进行测试时,它总是给我一个错误。我相信问题在于结构数组。我尝试了常规传递,封送处理,使用引脚排列,更改数据类型,为所有布尔变量添加“ MarshalAs”……似乎无济于事。
过去几天试图解决这个问题。不知道我在做什么错(因为这是我第一次导入方法)。我读到有关C ++ / Cli的东西,但也从未使用过。
.h文件(C ++)中的定义方式
// The structs (won't add all parameters, but are basically the same type)
typedef struct _ImParam
UINT Format;
UINT Resolution;
UINT ColorDepth;
typedef struct _sValues
UINT Xpos;
UINT Ypos;
UINT Width;
UINT Height;
BOOL Milli;
typedef struct _sProperties
BOOL Enable;
S_VALUES Properties;
typedef struct _DevParam
BOOL Enable;
UINT Font;
char Symbol;
IM_PARAM Image1;
IM_PARAM Image2;
S_PROPERTIES Properties[10];
UINT FeedMode;
} DevParam;
// more code, comments, etc. etc.
// This is how is defined
BOOL SetParameters( DWORD ID, DevParams DParam )
public struct ImParam
public uint Format;
public uint Resolution;
public uint ColorDepth;
public ImParam(uint n)
Format = n;
Resolution = 300;
ColorDepth = 256;
public struct sValues
public uint Xpos;
public uint Ypos;
public uint Width;
public uint Height;
public bool Milli;
public sValues(uint n)
Xpos = n;
Ypos = n;
Width = n;
Height = n;
Milli = false;
public struct sProperties
public bool Enable;
public sValues Properties;
public sProperties(int n)
Enable = false;
Front = false;
Properties = new sValues(n);
// Commented code is from another attemp
public struct DevParam
public bool Enable;
public uint Font;
public char Symbol;
public ImParam Image1;
public ImParam Image2;
public IntPtr Properties;
//public sProperties[] Properties;
public uint FeedMode;
public DeviceParameters(IntPtr SnP) //(int n)
Enable = true;
Font = 0;
Symbol = '?';
Image1 = new ImParam(3);
Image2 = new ImParam(3);
Properties = SnP;
/*Properties = new sProperties[n];
*for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
* Properties[i] = new sProperties(0);*/
FeedMode = 1;
// .dll file path definition, some methods imported, etc. etc.
[DllImport(path, EntryPoint = "?SetParameters@@YGHKU_DevParam@@@Z")]
public static extern bool SetParameters(int ID, DevParam dParam);
static void Main(string[] args)
bool res = false;
int ID;
sProperties[] SnP = new sProperties[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
SnP[i] = new sProperties(0);
// Some code to turn on scanner, get ID value and such
/* Attemp1: Passing the struct normaly.
* Result: ArgumentException [HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))]
* try
* {
* DevParam dParam = new DevParam(10);
* res = Class1.SetParameters(ID, dParam);
* Console.WriteLine(res);
* }
* catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); }*/
/* Attemp2: Marshaling each element of the array.
* Result: The managed PInvoke signature doesnt mach the destination one
* int S = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(sProperties));
* DevParam dParam = new DevParam(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(SnP.Length*S));
* IntPtr ptr = dParam.Properties;
* for (int i = 0; i < SnP.Length; i++)
* {
* Marshal.StructureToPtr(SnP[i], ptr, false);
* ptr += S;
* }
* try
* {
* res = Class1.SetDevParam(ID, dParam);
* Console.WriteLine(res);
* }
* finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(dParam.sProperties); }*/
/* Attemp3: Adding a Pin Pointer to struct
* Result: Exception (Object has no primitive data and it can't
* be transfered into bits blocks) */
GCHandle SpHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(SnP, GCHandleType.Pinned);
DevParam dParam = new DevParam(SpHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject());
res = Class1.SetParameters(ID, dParam);
catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); }
finally { SpHandle.Free(); }
// More code for testing other methods and blahblahblah
catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); }
PD:很抱歉,我的帖子很长。 PD2:我挺罗基的,所以请尝试解释一下“傻瓜”
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public struct DevParam
public bool Enable;
public uint Font;
public char Symbol;
public ImParam Image1;
public ImParam Image2;
//public IntPtr Properties;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
public sProperties[] Properties;
public uint FeedMode;
public DeviceParameters(int n) //(IntPtr SnP)
Enable = true;
Font = 0;
Symbol = '?';
Image1 = new ImParam(3);
Image2 = new ImParam(3);
//Properties = SnP;
Properties = new sProperties[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Properties[i] = new sProperties(0);
FeedMode = 1;
并使用了“ Attemp1”代码。